I have created a windows GUI for the MakeMKV sdftool command line flasher. The appearance (and use) is similar to the modifed ASUS flasher, which should make it a bit easier for those that are unsure about using the command line. The latest version is v1.3.6.
NOTE: If the GUI looks a bit deformed (happens on a 4k monitor), you can right click the exe and select properties. In the compatibility tab, click "Change high DPI settings" then under "High DPI scaling override" tick the box and select "System (Enhanced)" in the dropbox.
UPDATE -11/02/2025:
Just some minor bug fixes. If you have issues using this release, please use the previous version. Download links for both are at the bottom of this post.
UPDATE -22/12/2022:
This update fixes the string error for the Buffalo drives.
UPDATE -02/07/2022:
This update should fix the encrypted firmware detection for the new ASUS BW-16D1HT 3.11 firmware.
UPDATE - 21/03/2022:
This update fixes the encrypted firmware detection issue with ASUS drives.
UPDATE - 02/03/2022:
This update has some improvements of the encrypted firmware detection.
UPDATE - 08/01/2022:
In the latest update, I have re-enabled the selectable encrypted firmware option for you just in case you need it. On the rare occasion the automatic encryption check is incorrect, simply click the ✔ or ✖ to toggle it.
UPDATE - 21/12/2021:
The latest version of the SDFtool Flasher has a checkbox option to flash the boot loader with the main firmware to the drive. This is useful for the newer BP50NB40 with SVC: NB52. It's also possible that other newer models may require this option later on. We will all work it out together as we go!!
For the moment, to flash the BP50NB40 SVC:NB52, using the latest SDFtool Flasher, follw the steps below:
1. Flash the drive to BP50NB40 (NB50) 1.03-MK.
Now for the crossflash:
2. Select the RECOVERY option and in the pop up, select the BP50NB40 (NB50) 1.03-MK firmware that you just flashed.
3. Select the BP60NB10 1.00-MK or BU40N 1.00 firmware in the normal drop box.
4. Click START
Here's a visual aid for you:

UPDATE - 26/09/2021:
The latest version of the SDFtool Flasher will automatically check for both the MT1959 Drive Platform and Encrypted Firmware. It also removes the requirement for .net framework as .net 6.0 is built in to the executable.
UPDATE - 26/09/2020:
I have made a couple of minor code adjustments. Also, the "RECOVER Drive" option feature is now available. I have used it to recover a BH16NS55 that was flashed with BU40N firmware.
- Windows 10 64 bit version
- MakeMKV v1.15.1 (or higher) installed
- .NET Framework 4.7.2 **only for SDFtool Flasher v1.2.0**
- Make sure the drive is empty and tray is closed.
- Select a drive from the first drop down box.
- Select either WRITE, READ or RECOVER option (write is default).
- (FYI, the HBD firmware for BP50NB40 is now obsolete as SDFtool Flasher can flash the BP50NB40/WP50NB40 and BP60NB10 drives).
If you selected READ:
You can now press the START button to dump the firmware. The application will create a folder called "Firmware_Dumps" in the same directory as the sdftool flasher, if it does not exist and save the dump file there. It will do a full firmware dump if it is able to otherwise it will only dump the user data.
If you selected WRITE:
- Click the second drop down box to select a firmware to flash.
- Check the "enc?" checkbox only if your drive has an encrypted firmware on it (see list of encrypted firmware below).
If you selected RECOVER:
- A "file browser" will open so you can select the drive's current (wrong) firmware. This is so the boot ID can be obtained.
- Click the second drop down box to select the correct firmware to flash.
Encrypted Firmware:
If your desktop drive has encrypted firmware, flash WH16NS60 1.02-MK first, then you can either leave it as is or flash any other desktop drive firmware if you want to.
If your external Buffalo / Archgon / LG BU40N has encrypted firmware, flash BU40N 1.03-MK first, then you can either leave it as is or flash BU40N 1.00 or Buffalo BU / BN firmware if you want to.
IMPORTANT!!! DO NOT flash desktop firmware to a slim drive or vice-versa.
WARNING: Use at your own risk!!
Please be very careful using the recovery option. It should work for:
- Desktop drive's flashed to slim drive firmware.
- Slim drives flashed to desktop drive firmware.
- Old LG/ASUS drives that have been flashed with newer LG NS50+/ASUS 3.xx firmware.
https://www.mediafire.com/file_premium/ ... 9.zip/file
Here is the link for the previous version (v1.3.5) of SDFtool Flasher
https://www.mediafire.com/file/rak1mk0p ... ).zip/file
Here is the old original version of the SDFtool flasher:
Just unzip it in the same directory as your firmware files or anywhere else you like.
Here is the link to my "All You Need Firmware Pack"
https://www.mediafire.com/file/bpl3pz2b ... ).zip/file
As usual, any issues with the GUI, let me know.
PS: For your convenience, here are the firmware files to recover the old LG/ASUS drives:
BP50NB40-NB40 1.00 viewtopic.php?p=129930#p129930