Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.

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Re: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.

Post by ghostshadow »

DaMacFunkin wrote:
Sun Nov 01, 2020 1:11 pm
ghostshadow wrote:
Sun Nov 01, 2020 10:12 am
Zidoo Z9x, Z10 Pro etc :
the DV conversion by the yusesope method to Profile 8 works perfectly. I tested Fel and Mel and transformed into Profile 8 and they work !!
The problem with the Atmos TrueHD DV + Track does not come from the conversion or the method used!
it comes from the Zidoo Firmware. For proof it is enough to :Went back into Realtek developer options, switched "reserve less buffer" space off and enabled "Enable Playback Performance mode (experimental)". And the most desynchronization after 15 minutes. There are a few jerks, but it works (at the end of the viewing (1 hour) I had a red screen).
So the solution for the DV + Atmos TrueHD will come from a correction of the Zidoo Firmware.
So playing all UHD DV with the yusesope method allows them to be played in MKV DV on the zidoo.
Midway, Justice Ligue, GOT 8 ---> ok

Can I ask which guide you used to create profile 8.1 MEL from FEL that triggers DV on Zidoo Z9X?

The titles I have created with Gamma 004 only trigger HDR10.

P.S. thanks for posting my workaround for the Realtek developer options.
Thanks to you @DaMacFunkin for your walkthrough
I used the yusesope 8.1 solution
tested on 2 zidoo: 1 z9x and 1 Z1000Pro
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Re: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.

Post by koolkunz »

yusesope wrote:
Sun Nov 01, 2020 1:43 pm
It's not your fault.
FFmpeg can rarely fail to perfectly sync my video with the audio in the chosen file.

I don't know how you solved it (there are so many ways), the easiest for me is to use the -itsoffset switch inside the second command.
-itsoffset must be placed before the second input (i.e. the file from which FFmpeg will take the audio ... look at the red part in the example)
src\Gpac\gpac.exe -i pipe://video:ext=hevc:audelim=true -o stdout:ext=ts:pes_pack=none | src\FFmpeg\ffmpeg_win_x64.exe -hide_banner -y -i - -itsoffset 170ms -i \path\to\your\original\file.m2ts -map 0:0 -map 1:2 -c copy -bsf:v hevc_metadata=aud=insert -metadata title="Movie Title_________________________________________________________________________" \path\to\your\output\file.mkv
Use a positive value (in this specific case, 170ms) if the audio starts before the video (aka “you have to slow down the audio”).
Use a negative value (in this specific case, -170ms) if the video starts before the audio (aka “you have to slow down the video”).
Ok thank you... got it
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Re: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.

Post by DaMacFunkin »

ghostshadow wrote:
Sun Nov 01, 2020 1:55 pm
DaMacFunkin wrote:
Sun Nov 01, 2020 1:11 pm
ghostshadow wrote:
Sun Nov 01, 2020 10:12 am
Zidoo Z9x, Z10 Pro etc :
the DV conversion by the yusesope method to Profile 8 works perfectly. I tested Fel and Mel and transformed into Profile 8 and they work !!
The problem with the Atmos TrueHD DV + Track does not come from the conversion or the method used!
it comes from the Zidoo Firmware. For proof it is enough to :Went back into Realtek developer options, switched "reserve less buffer" space off and enabled "Enable Playback Performance mode (experimental)". And the most desynchronization after 15 minutes. There are a few jerks, but it works (at the end of the viewing (1 hour) I had a red screen).
So the solution for the DV + Atmos TrueHD will come from a correction of the Zidoo Firmware.
So playing all UHD DV with the yusesope method allows them to be played in MKV DV on the zidoo.
Midway, Justice Ligue, GOT 8 ---> ok

Can I ask which guide you used to create profile 8.1 MEL from FEL that triggers DV on Zidoo Z9X?

The titles I have created with Gamma 004 only trigger HDR10.

P.S. thanks for posting my workaround for the Realtek developer options.
Thanks to you @DaMacFunkin for your walkthrough
I used the yusesope 8.1 solution
tested on 2 zidoo: 1 z9x and 1 Z1000Pro
Interesting because I have used the Gamma 004 8.1 and it doesnt trigger DV on my Z9X...
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Re: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.

Post by ghostshadow »

i don't use the Gamma 004 8.1 just 8.1
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Re: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.

Post by quietvoid »

yusesope wrote:
Sun Nov 01, 2020 9:56 am
It takes time (which I don't have :( ) and it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack :roll: .
I'm sure you know how to use a hex editor and maybe you could try it too and maybe you're luckier than me.
Just compare the two files (only video, no audio): if you spot a significant difference I might try to modify the behavior of my tool to emulate it!
I just went looking into the diff of the mp4muxer code 8)
Anyways, dual track profile 7 stops working at commit 70a2e1d4d99a8439b7b8087bf50dd503eeea2291
I made a change that fixed it for me, apparently the video mp4 box was never tagged as Dolby Vision (dvhe, dvh1).

I forked the repo, so you can see the diff here: ... d1e72R1557
Disregard the spacing diff, it's really just the if condition for `dolby_vision_flag`.
Hopefully this helps you, at least now I can use my patched version instead of the 2018 commit.

Comparing mediainfos, the EL track's codec ID changes to 'dvhe' after the patch instead of 'hev1'.
So latest mp4muxer and your sample files all have the EL track codec ID as 'hev1' when it should be 'dvhe' :).
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Re: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.

Post by chros »

Good work, @quietvoid! Can you upload the binary for Windows somewhere? Thanks
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Re: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.

Post by quietvoid »

chros wrote:
Sun Nov 01, 2020 6:57 pm
Good work, @quietvoid! Can you upload the binary for Windows somewhere? Thanks
I can't build for Windows, you can just use the 2018 binary or wait for yusesope's method.
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Re: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.

Post by chros »

No worries then :)
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Re: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.

Post by DaMacFunkin »

ghostshadow wrote:
Sun Nov 01, 2020 5:03 pm
i don't use the Gamma 004 8.1 just 8.1
So I wonder what Yousepe did differently?
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Re: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.

Post by userr »

quietvoid wrote:
Sun Nov 01, 2020 5:29 pm

Anyways, dual track profile 7 stops working at commit 70a2e1d4d99a8439b7b8087bf50dd503eeea2291
I probably missed something, but are you saying you can no longer create profile 7 DTDL as of commit 70a2e1d4d99a8439b7b8087bf50dd503eeea2291?
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Re: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.

Post by quietvoid »

userr wrote:
Sun Nov 01, 2020 10:51 pm
I probably missed something, but are you saying you can no longer create profile 7 DTDL as of commit 70a2e1d4d99a8439b7b8087bf50dd503eeea2291?
It can be created but they don't play on the LG C8.
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Re: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.

Post by cugrz »

yusesope wrote:
Thu Sep 17, 2020 2:59 pm

I don't have a mac and I can't (want :roll: ) compile my code for macOS users. For now the latter cannot use this version of my tool (the problem is easily solved if some of you with a mac compile my code).

I came across this thread yesterday and have be reading and researching like crazy since then. I had previously been working on extracting and encoding HDR10+ data. I was very excited to learn that you and others are working on a solution for Dolby Vision and I am very interested in helping with this project. I am one of those mac users you mention above. :) If you could give me a little direction I would be happy to compile your code and get it working on a mac.
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Re: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.

Post by The_KiD »

thelittleworm wrote:
Wed Dec 26, 2018 10:37 pm
So apparently there's a method to backup UHD ISO's into MP4's that triggers Dolby Vision on an LG or Vizio television app via USB. I made this thread in the hopes we can figure out a way to reconvert this into MKV. The procecure is the following -

1. Make ISO of movie. I have only tested this with Black Panther since that's the only one I own. I will be buying Gladiator this weekend to test out though.

2. Use TS Muxer to open the ISO. Find the correct M2TS file and demux the following files:
A. HEVC1 in 4K (Base layer)
B. HEVC 2 in 1080p (this is the dolby vision enhancement layer)
C. Audio track which you will have to convert to AC3. This is a hard line limitation- you need to use AC3!!!

3. Once you have HEVC1, HEVC2, and the Audio track. Run Dolby Vision MP4Muxer (
DolbyVision MP4 Muxer only works in Command Prompt so you have to navigate to the corresponding folders where the files are and type

mp4muxer --dv-profile 7 --input-file (baselayername.hevc1) --input-file (dvlayername.hevc2) --input-file (audio.ac3) --media-lang eng --output-file (nameofmovie).mp4

*Right now we are limited to only MP4 and AC3 audio. Hoping we figure out an MKV solution.

It sounds like its complicated, but it isn't. The entire process took me an hour to figure out, but once I did it, I sold my Xbox One X, because I'm now using my LG USB to play Dolby Vision MP4's! Hopefully this starts a discussion.
So my TV triggers the "Dolby Vision" but the video is only Purple/Green, what did i wrong?
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Re: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.

Post by Hi-Res »

quietvoid wrote:
Sun Nov 01, 2020 5:29 pm
yusesope wrote:
Sun Nov 01, 2020 9:56 am
It takes time (which I don't have :( ) and it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack :roll: .
I'm sure you know how to use a hex editor and maybe you could try it too and maybe you're luckier than me.
Just compare the two files (only video, no audio): if you spot a significant difference I might try to modify the behavior of my tool to emulate it!
I just went looking into the diff of the mp4muxer code 8)
Anyways, dual track profile 7 stops working at commit 70a2e1d4d99a8439b7b8087bf50dd503eeea2291
I made a change that fixed it for me, apparently the video mp4 box was never tagged as Dolby Vision (dvhe, dvh1).

I forked the repo, so you can see the diff here: ... d1e72R1557
Disregard the spacing diff, it's really just the if condition for `dolby_vision_flag`.
Hopefully this helps you, at least now I can use my patched version instead of the 2018 commit.

Comparing mediainfos, the EL track's codec ID changes to 'dvhe' after the patch instead of 'hev1'.
So latest mp4muxer and your sample files all have the EL track codec ID as 'hev1' when it should be 'dvhe' :).
Really appreciate it. Hopefully someone can assembly a windows executable file with this change. I'm having trouble using the hex-editor and doing it manually.
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Re: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.

Post by yusesope »

ghostshadow wrote:
Sun Nov 01, 2020 5:03 pm
i don't use the Gamma 004 8.1 just 8.1
DaMacFunkin wrote:
Sun Nov 01, 2020 9:01 pm
So I wonder what Yousepe did differently?
Hey @ghostshadow, what do you mean "just 8.1"?
Are you using BETA or GAMMA?
Could you describe the steps you follow so @DaMacFunkin can replicate them and can experiment on his Zidoo too? Thanks!

cugrz wrote:
Mon Nov 02, 2020 3:20 am
yusesope wrote:
Thu Sep 17, 2020 2:59 pm

I don't have a mac and I can't (want :roll: ) compile my code for macOS users. For now the latter cannot use this version of my tool (the problem is easily solved if some of you with a mac compile my code).

I came across this thread yesterday and have be reading and researching like crazy since then. I had previously been working on extracting and encoding HDR10+ data. I was very excited to learn that you and others are working on a solution for Dolby Vision and I am very interested in helping with this project. I am one of those mac users you mention above. :) If you could give me a little direction I would be happy to compile your code and get it working on a mac.
I'm sorry, but after the October 2nd update of BETA there is no longer any source code for MacOS that can be compiled.

quietvoid wrote:
Sun Nov 01, 2020 5:29 pm
So latest mp4muxer and your sample files all have the EL track codec ID as 'hev1' when it should be 'dvhe' :).
A small change for a great result :D .
Thank you for saving me a lot of time :mrgreen: !
It will take me a couple of seconds to correct the problem.
In the evening I will upload a sample so that all of you can try it (remembering that LG >= 2020 may still not be able to play the file unlike LG <= 2019. Also, DTDL files can only be played on LG TVs and bluray players like X700).

@quietvoid, if the file works, would you like to test everything before I make it public?
So I can be sure that the new process works on a full movie and on an LG TV.
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