Why do people remove serial numbers from logs?

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Why do people remove serial numbers from logs?

Post by Ezatoka »

Hello everyone

I noticed more often that people remove the "Serial number:" information when they post the info which MakeMKV shows at the right side.

Why? I don't understand so far why people hide the serial number like they hide their credit card number.

You can't really do anything with the serial number, can you? It's not like you could impersonate someones drive. Even if you could, so what? Obviously one could fake serial numbers then anyway (like spoofing mac addresses with a network card) and drives can have had several owners before one got the drive.

Which security concern do I miss here?
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Re: Why do people remove serial numbers from logs?

Post by Billycar11 »

warranty not much of a threat but whatever
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Re: Why do people remove serial numbers from logs?

Post by My1xT »

maybe just for general privacy.

like these forums are public to view to anyone, in theory the content mafia might include serial number based blacklists or whatever and do bad stuff to BD drives.

it's genrally not an overly good idea to throw out info that might identify you around.
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