Region error code on DVD but not Blu-Ray

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Region error code on DVD but not Blu-Ray

Post by nvycop »

I apologize if this is a topic covered elsewhere, but I didn't see it during my quick search.

So, it would appear that I am lucky enough to have a Matshita drive. I was using a Matshita DVD drive previously, and had no issue ripping DVD's. I purchased a Matshita BD drive and installed it. While BD's rip flawlessly, I get the following, well known error:

Drive BD-RE MATSHITA BD-MLT UJ260AF 1.00 has RPC protection that can not be bypassed. Change drive region or update drive firmware from Errors likely to follow.
Error 'Scsi error - ILLEGAL REQUEST:MEDIA REGION CODE IS MISMATCHED TO LOGICAL UNIT REGION' occurred while reading '/VIDEO_TS/VTS_07_1.VOB' at offset '4096' doesn't have a firmware flash for my drive. Also, to my knowledge, I'm ripping region 1 discs on a region 1 drive. (I assume region 1 is the US? At any rate, I'm ripping US purchased DVD/Blu-Ray's on a cpu purchased in the US)

Any ideas?
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Re: Region error code on DVD but not Blu-Ray

Post by Yugatha »


As a fellow owner of a Matshita drive, I feel your pain.

On to business - are you using Windows, Mac OS, or Linux? You may need to confirm your Region settings. Disc drives often come without a region pre-selected, and it is also possible the region was changed at some point recently.

On a Windows Machine: Open the Device Manager (Start -> Type "Device Manager"), select the DVD/CD-ROM drives option, then find the Matshita drive. Right Click on it, and select "Properties". There should be a "DVD Region" tab. Click on that, and select "United States" from the list. To confirm, the "New Region" box will change to "Region 1". Click OK. Close and reopen MakeMKV (just in case), and try again.

NOTE: DVD Regions can only be changed 5 times in its lifetime (without region unlockers), so don't do this too often.

MacOS and Linux, I'm not sure, but Google will be your friend.
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Re: Region error code on DVD but not Blu-Ray

Post by txdot »

I have a Matshita BD-MLT UJ265 USB drive and am getting the same error on my Windows 10 box. I checked the properties in the Device Manager and it is already set for Region 1 which is correct. The DVD is also for Region 1. The drive works fine on my Windows 7 box. Any ideas what I need to make this work on Windows 10?
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Re: Region error code on DVD but not Blu-Ray

Post by Woodstock »

Most likely because Windows 10 is taking more interest in the drive and its contents.

I occasionally see the DVD region "complaint" from my systems under Win7, but they mean nothing to MakeMKV so far. It still rips the disk without issue. The strange part is that one of my drives has never had its region set...

Bluray region coding isn't the same as DVD - it seems to be a control file, rather than actual encryption.
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Re: Region error code on DVD but not Blu-Ray

Post by barnsleydave »

Hi. First time poster. I can see this is an old thread but its exactly the problem I have so thought rather than create a new one I would resurrect this one. I am a new user to MakeMKV. And I am currently ripping many hundreds of dvd's and blu rays onto a NAS, where my plex server (on Nvidia shield accesses them). That's just FYI background.

I have been trundling on for many days/weeks very occasionally coming across a disc that couldn't be read.

Then all of a sudden about 3 days ago. My W10 PC either wouldn't recognise DVD's or more often MakeMKV gave me the same error message as in the thread above when it had to read a DVD.
Blu-rays were fine. Some of the DVD were new, unopened and still in their cellophane wrapper.

I went through the process of going into device manager, uninstalling the devices, and reinstalling them. I have checked the region in properties and that is set correctly to region 2 (I live in the UK).

I should say I have 2 external devices connected. A new Matshita blu-ray drive and an old dvd reader (super writemaster). When the DVD gets errors its consistent on both devices.

Oddly enough whilst typing this, MakeMKV has suddenly recognised the last 2 DVD's inserted and correctly created .mkv files.

But I have gone from it having a problem from about 1 in a hundred to a problem with 19 out of 20.

Based on previous comments I do wonder if its a problem with the region on the DVD itself?

Any comments are welcome
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Re: Region error code on DVD but not Blu-Ray

Post by cybordemon »

Yugatha wrote:
Fri Jun 03, 2016 6:52 am

As a fellow owner of a Matshita drive, I feel your pain.

On to business - are you using Windows, Mac OS, or Linux? You may need to confirm your Region settings. Disc drives often come without a region pre-selected, and it is also possible the region was changed at some point recently.

On a Windows Machine: Open the Device Manager (Start -> Type "Device Manager"), select the DVD/CD-ROM drives option, then find the Matshita drive. Right Click on it, and select "Properties". There should be a "DVD Region" tab. Click on that, and select "United States" from the list. To confirm, the "New Region" box will change to "Region 1". Click OK. Close and reopen MakeMKV (just in case), and try again.

NOTE: DVD Regions can only be changed 5 times in its lifetime (without region unlockers), so don't do this too often.

MacOS and Linux, I'm not sure, but Google will be your friend.
It has been 8 years since, and I'm so sorry for the necro, but I owe you a beer. Hopefully this will help other people find the right answer in my situation.
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