little problems with the Hobbit blu-ray

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Re: little problems with the Hobbit blu-ray

Post by docchris »

I used tsmuxer to merge the two back into a single (massive) ISO image, which powerdvd can then play

there is obviously something slightly differnet about the two stream.. although the iso works perfectly and powerdvd plays it back no issue (and looking inside the file it is a single 52GB stream, not two halves).. I cant re-rip THAT iso into a single big mkv, it fails for some reason
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Re: little problems with the Hobbit blu-ray

Post by shane.cole »

Here's what I do for the 20th Century Fox 3D blu-rays that have the 'other' eye as base and require flipping.

Rather than toggle the flip mode in Stereoscopic (which is then remembered and has to be flipped back for the next movie you play which isn't eyes wrong), start playing the file and then press CTRL-V for video properties, click on the Settings tab and change Layout to Separate Streams Right to Left.

Click OK, then on the menu go File, Export, Stereoscopic Metafile - it will store it in the same location (assuming write access) as the file. Next time you open that file it will know to play it with those settings and you don't need to touch the F7 or Swap Left/Right button.

Another TIP I'll share, for 3D movies that have forced subtitles, I usually make sure that a forced only subs file is the only subtitle file and then I've used a 'runner' script that when it detects .forcedsubtitles. in the filenameit will turn the first subtitle track on (after about 10 seconds or so, it's running blind so to speak and sometimes my movie doesn't start until my receiver has woken up and detected the HD Audio stream type).

I used AutoIT to compile this script in to a executable which I call as an external player in Kodi, it plays the movie, exits and returns to Kodi when finished or if someone presses escape while its playing, it might help someone else anyway:

Code: Select all

$Params = """" & $CmdLine[1] & """" & " " & "-ol:intel -play -fss -nl -termend"
;MsgBox(0, "Output", $Params)
ShellExecute("C:\Program Files (x86)\Stereoscopic Player\StereoPlayer.exe", $Params)

If (StringInStr ( $CmdLine[1], "forcedsubtitles")) Then
   Sleep (10000)
   Sleep( 1000 )
   Send ("S")
   Sleep( 1000 )
   Send ("S")
   Sleep( 1000 )
   Send ("{RIGHT}")
   Sleep( 1000 )
   Send ("{DOWN}")
   Sleep( 1000 )
   Send ( "{ENTER}")

WinWaitClose("Stereoscopic Player")
The .SVI files seem to have absolute filenames in it, so you cant rename the movie and it's SVI file and expect it to still work, you need to export a new SVI file. These are 3D movies I have that needed it:

Drive Angry, Edge of Tomorrow, Epic, Life of Pi, Oz the Great and Powerful, Prometheus, Rio, Rio 2 and all the Hobbit movies.

3D Movies with forced subtitles hence making the above:

Avatar, Captain America 1 and 2, Cars 2, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, John Carter, Rio 2, TMNT, The Avengers, The Book of Life, The Darkest Hour, Thor the Dark World, Underworld Awakening, Wolverine, World War Z, X-Men Days of Future Past.
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Joined: Sat Nov 03, 2012 4:37 pm

Re: little problems with the Hobbit blu-ray

Post by TheShoe »

Anyone know if this was ever addressed?

I just backed up the Hobbit 3D to MKV and sure enough - Kodi (which now supports hardware playback of frame-packed MVC 3D) needs this flipped. I can do it in my tv, but annoying as I have to nav TV menus to do it.

I suppose if there is a flag n the MKV container, then it's up to the decoding software to respect it... but curious if the container now has a flag for it
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