Install script for MakeMkV for Linux

The place to discuss linux version of MakeMKV
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Re: Install script for MakeMkV for Linux

Post by alxscott »

cvaughan wrote:When I try running this script for version 1.8.7, I get the following error:

========================= Installation results ===========================
make: makefile.linux: No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target `makefile.linux'. Stop.

**** Installation failed. Aborting package creation.

Cleaning up...OK


removing downloaded files

It worked fine for version 1.8.6.
Not sure if related, but I've just had to cleanup a slackbuild script because of that error.... I hade to change all references of "makefile" to "Makefile" with a capital...
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Re: Install script for MakeMkV for Linux

Post by cvaughan »

I tried making your change in the script. However, it produced the same error. I have been able to compile version 1.8.7 manually. I am running it on Linux Mint 16.
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Re: Install script for MakeMkV for Linux

Post by mechevar »

Yeah I had to change a couple things to build out 1.8.7. Everything is working again, just tried it out. Thanks for the input!
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Re: Install script for MakeMkV for Linux

Post by not-this-again »

Hi, all, first post here.
Thanks Mechevar for the script.

However, the script works OK, but when executing, there is no indication that anything is being processed.
It may be because that I am running Xubuntu13.10-xfce4WM, which does things a bit different to other flavours of Linux.
I added a few lines to your script, so that a terminal window opens to confirm execution.
Hope you don't mind me posting it here? I'm pretty new to Linux scripts, so please, let me know if the syntax is incorrect or if any improvements can be made.



## This script is for installing MakeMKV on Xubuntu using xfce4-window-manager and BASH. (tested on Xubuntu-13.10)
## The proceeding command opens a xfce4-terminal window and then invokes BASH (in verbose mode), so we may see what is going on.
xfce4-terminal -x bash -cv '

sudo apt-get install checkinstall build-essential libc6-dev libssl-dev libexpat1-dev libavcodec-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libqt4-dev

cd /tmp/
wget ""
export curr_version=$(grep -m 1 "MakeMKV v" index.html | sed -e "s/.*MakeMKV v//;s/ (.*//")

echo "Scraped the MakeMKV download page and found the latest version as" ${curr_version}

export bin_zip=makemkv-bin-${curr_version}.tar.gz
export oss_zip=makemkv-oss-${curr_version}.tar.gz
export oss_folder=makemkv-oss-${curr_version}
export bin_folder=makemkv-bin-${curr_version}


tar -xzvf $bin_zip
tar -xzvf $oss_zip

cd $oss_folder
sudo checkinstall make install

cd ../$bin_folder
sudo checkinstall make install

cd ..

echo removing downloaded files
rm index.html
rm $bin_zip
rm $oss_zip
rm -rf $oss_folder
rm -rf $bin_folder

ls -al
$SHELL' ## Keeps xfce4-terminal window open after execution.

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Re: Install script for MakeMkV for Linux

Post by berky »

**** EDIT: Thanks to lnxusr for pointing out my mistake. I have updated the script here for any future searches

I updated the script to the following (Ubuntu 13.10)

Code: Select all


#sudo apt-get install build-essential libc6-dev libssl-dev libexpat1-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libqt4-dev g++ pkgconf

cd /tmp/
wget ""
export curr_version=$(grep -m 1 "MakeMKV v" index.html | sed -e "s/.*MakeMKV v//;s/ (.*//")

echo "Scraped the MakeMKV download page and found the latest version as" ${curr_version}

export bin_zip=makemkv-bin-${curr_version}.tar.gz
export oss_zip=makemkv-oss-${curr_version}.tar.gz
export oss_folder=makemkv-oss-${curr_version}
export bin_folder=makemkv-bin-${curr_version}

if [ ! -f $bin_zip ]; then
if [ ! -f $oss_zip ]; then

tar -xzvf $bin_zip
tar -xzvf $oss_zip

cd $oss_folder
#make -f makefile.linux
#sudo make -f makefile.linux install
sudo make install

cd ../$bin_folder
#make -f makefile.linux
#sudo make -f makefile.linux install
sudo make install

cd ..

echo removing downloaded files
rm index.html
rm $bin_zip
rm $oss_zip
rm -rf $oss_folder
rm -rf $bin_folder

*** EDIT: removed error output as fixing the script fixed that output
Last edited by berky on Thu Mar 12, 2015 12:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Install script for MakeMkV for Linux

Post by brohan »

1st, thank you for the script, I am currently running Kubuntu 13.10 on a 64 bit machine. After running the script I entered: makemkvcon and received the following error message:
makemkvcon: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I don't know where to start to resolve this issue, and help would be greatly appreciated. Below is the output from the ./buildmakemkv script:

Thanks in advance for the help.
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Re: Install script for MakeMkV for Linux

Post by mechevar »

Looks like something went wrong in the 'configure' step
configure: error: LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_MAJOR is not known at compile time in libavcodec.h
See `config.log' for more details
Kinda odd, but I will look at the output on my end.
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Re: Install script for MakeMkV for Linux

Post by user1776 »

I ran the script on ubuntu 13.1 and did as instructed and the terminal window closes and nothing happens, there is still no make mkv. Any suggestions?
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Re: Install script for MakeMkV for Linux

Post by mechevar »

Did you run the command in a terminal, or click on it through window manager? I am asking because the terminal should not close on its own. By the way, I setup a couple extra VMs in VirtualBox to test. Works on out of the box install of 12.04.4 Lubuntu, 64 bit, 12.04.4 Ubuntu, 64 bit and 13.10 Ubuntu, 64 bit.
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Re: Install script for MakeMkV for Linux

Post by lnxusr »

The script posted above from berky works perfectly in a fresh install of 14.04 (amd64, but should be the same with i386) with the following changes:

Uncomment line 3 and add pkgconf to the list. You can re-comment it afterwards, or leave it commented out if you've already installed them.

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get install build-essential libc6-dev libssl-dev libexpat1-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libqt4-dev g++ pkgconf
Lines 14 and 15 have the oss_folder and bin_folder directories switched. They should read:

Code: Select all

export oss_folder=makemkv-oss-${curr_version}
export bin_folder=makemkv-bin-${curr_version}
After those changes, the script runs fine and I didn't see any errors.

Thanks mechevar and berky.
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Re: Install script for MakeMkV for Linux

Post by mechevar »

I'll keep the script up for anyone that wants to use it, but I switched over to the hosted ppa (didn't know it was out there!) for my system.
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Re: Install script for MakeMkV for Linux

Post by gellis »

mechevar wrote:I'll keep the script up for anyone that wants to use it, but I switched over to the hosted ppa (didn't know it was out there!) for my system.
Doesn't seem to work on Ubuntu 14.04. Same issue as when I try and install it manually :(

Error 'Scsi error - ILLEGAL REQUEST:COPY PROTECTION KEY EXCHANGE FAILURE - KEY NOT ESTABLISHED' occurred while issuing SCSI command AD010..0800024C0 to device 'SG:dev_11:0'
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Re: Install script for MakeMkV for Linux

Post by Woodstock »

The error about key exchange is caused by a number of things, one of which is the operating system not allowing MakeMKV to directly access the drive. Since the operating system doesn't have the key that the drive wants, the exchange fails.
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Re: Install script for MakeMkV for Linux

Post by gellis »

Woodstock wrote:The error about key exchange is caused by a number of things, one of which is the operating system not allowing MakeMKV to directly access the drive. Since the operating system doesn't have the key that the drive wants, the exchange fails.
Are you aware of a way of telling the operating system to allow this?
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Re: Install script for MakeMkV for Linux

Post by eikki »

mechevar wrote:I'll keep the script up for anyone that wants to use it, but I switched over to the hosted ppa (didn't know it was out there!) for my system.
cool thank you
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