Exactly. WD should get their sh*t together and release proper firmwares for their products. Not supporting uncompressed (=Original!) PGS subs is a joke really. I'm pretty sure they didn't do it on purpose. They probably just forgot about it and will fix it soon.crowfax wrote:Besides, other people shouldn't have to cover for WD's poor firmware development.
Which Media Player (Hardware) can play the MKVs...Sony S480
Re: Which Media Player (Hardware) can play the MKVs...Sony S
Re: Which Media Player (Hardware) can play the MKVs...Sony S
I just saw that WD released a new firmware for their TV Live Streaming Media Player Gen3: v.1.07
Maybe this firmware fixes the problems with uncompressed PGS subtitles in MKVs?
Maybe this firmware fixes the problems with uncompressed PGS subtitles in MKVs?