TV Shows that also made TV movies

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TV Shows that also made TV movies

Post by HoosierProud »

I have some series of TV shows such as Stargate, Babylon 5, and Battlestar Galactica that also made Made for TV movies to tie up some loose ends. I'd really like for them to show up in my TV library with the TV show instead of placing them in my Movie library. I currently have them placed in their respective TV shows folder in my TV library. Is there any way to get them to show up with my TV shows?
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Re: TV Shows that also made TV movies

Post by Woodstock »

Depends on your software. I simply put the movie file(s) in the same directory as the TV shows.
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Re: TV Shows that also made TV movies

Post by mreedelp2 »

Look the show up in Many times the movies are assigned as special episodes. For example, Stargate The Ark Of Truth can be named S00E07.mkv and placed in Season 0 folder.
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Re: TV Shows that also made TV movies

Post by drxenos »

This is why I HATE all media streamers, players, servers, etc. (e.g., Kodi, Plex).

They all insist on doing the same thing. They want to scan all your files, inspecting their names, meta-data, etc., in order to build and organize a library. Then they want to scrape the internet for artwork, etc.

After all that, they regurgitate your media back to you, organized and named how THEY want it presented. I once read a thread on some forum where a guy was having issues with Plex. He was getting screamed at because (gasp) HIS FILE WAS NAMED WRONG (even though that's how he wanted it named). How ridiculous is that?

With each tool, I have to go through are turn all that crap off and force the software to just show me my files & directories as *I* have them organized and named (with varying degrees of success). I can (mostly) beat Kodi and Plex into submission, but I shouldn't have to. There should be a single option to turn all that sh*t off. I miss my old WDTV. It has an option like this.

I realized most people seem to like that whole "media library" thing, but I don't.

(Sorry for the rant. I couldn't help myself.)
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Re: TV Shows that also made TV movies

Post by dcoke22 »

I second what mreedelp2 said. For instance, if you look at Battlestar Galactica (2003) on and switch it to DVD Order from Aired Order, you'll see things like Razor get moved out of Specials and into a spot in the normal seasons.

You'll then have to beat Plex or Kodi into submission, as drxenos suggests, by naming things correctly and then convincing the library agents that you want to use TVDB's DVD Order instead of whatever the library default is. It sure would be nice if the server agents were more adaptable. :)
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Re: TV Shows that also made TV movies

Post by mreedelp2 »

My movies are all just the movie name and year for the sub-directory they are in. Each is in its own under another major sub-directory (e.g., HD_Movies1 for blu-rays, Movies1 for DVDs, Collections1 because I like to set up my own collections the way I want them). The .mkv/.mp4 files are named whatever I wanted. My TV shows are the show name and year(s) for the sub-directory with season sub-directories below that). Again, all under a major sub-directory (e.g., TV_Shows1, TV_Shows2, etc.) My episode files are all named in the S##E##.mkv format.

How I get around the way Plex and Kodi want to do things is to use a program (Media Center Master) to create local .nfo files and tell the programs to use the local files rather than scraping. The only problem was my collections in Plex. I had to scan files in some at a time and place them manually into the collection grouping I wanted. For example, I scanned my John Wayne collection (almost 100 movies) and put them in their own collection. Then I scanned my Buster Keaton collection (again 100+ movies) and put them in their own collection. Very time consuming as I have set up several hundred collections.

By using local .nfo files, you can take those special episodes and place them where you want. For the example dcoke22 gave, I edited the .nfo file to change the displayseason to 2 and the displayepisode to 18. In Kodi, this makes it display in the season 2 listing between episodes 17 and 18, which is where it actually fits into the storyline, not where it aired. Plex is a different story. I haven't even messed with it.
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Re: TV Shows that also made TV movies

Post by drxenos »

For Plex, I just disabled all the scrapers and told it to show me the actual folders. The main annoying thing is the "folder view" seems to reset with every update.
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