Different large file with mixed parts of shows

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Different large file with mixed parts of shows

Post by SrFrito »

Still learning a lot about ripping blu rays but I have this issue with this set of dexter seasons 1-8 collection. Each disc is 4 shows a piece but in MakeMKV there are 5 different files. The 5th file is the largest of the 5 and seems to be some sort of copy protection that has snippets and parts of frames from the 4 episodes. If I try to only do the episodes they will have green bars across the screen at certain points and be missing a few seconds of dialogue here and there. If there is anything other information that people may need let me know and I will try to get back to people ASAP.
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Re: Different large file with mixed parts of shows

Post by dcoke22 »

What you're describing sounds more like whatever software being used to playback the ripped files is struggling. VLC generally works well across a wide range of hardware and operating systems.

DVDCompare.net suggests that Dexter blu-rays have 4 episodes each on them. The 5th file that is very large is probably all 4 episodes mashed together in one title. It is probably what plays when you hit Play All on the disc's menu screen.
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