By pure luck I think I did not delete my original dump (have lots of dumps, not sure if my earliest dump is the original), my question is, do I have to use Datamover with my ORIGINAL dump that I did on my first try, or can I simply re-read the drive, make a new dump, and use data mover again to create another firmware to flash?
All I do now is use my 64 bit system with SDFTool to flash DE_LG WH16NS60_1.00.bin from that "Downgrade" folder with LG flasher I got from here, turn it off, back on, and use LG flasher to reflash DE_LG WH16NS60_1.00 again. This allows me to re-use the drive on my 32 bit system with IDE mode to use DOSFlasher and Datamover again, but I don't remember what combination of files I used to make it work again. I definitely know that the firmwares inside the "Clean_NS50_compatible_firmwares" do not work. I think I may have used a possible original dump plus a firmware called "DE_LG_WH16NS40_1.01" I found in this forum somewhere, or a firmware with an MK in its name... will keep on trying tonight. I know how annoying this is, I don't care about losing the money I paid for this drive, but I really wanna give it a good try before trashing this drive.
PS: Saw new WH16NS40 on Amazon this past Saturday for only $60, bought it, it came as WH16NS40 NS50 Manufactured July 2023 ROM: 1.05, all I did was simply use my 64 bit system with SDFTool, and flashed "HL-DT-ST-BD-RE_WH16NS60-1.02-NM00100-211810291936" from the "All you need firmware pack", and it reads 4K discs fine now, already ripped 2 4K UHD disks past Sunday. It doesn't work on my copy of DVDFab, but it works perfect on Make MKV. I still want to try, and recover my original drive that also used to work with that fabulous software