Don't tell me that my OPPO is faulty..!

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Don't tell me that my OPPO is faulty..!

Post by doobre »

Hi there, not sure where this request should go, so pls move it if necessary.. It's a bit specific, so a search didn't find anything here, or elsewhere.

My problem....
I have made a backup of Gravity Blu-ray 2D (not 3D) from the retail pack that contains the 3D and 2D blu-ray copy..
Backup went fine (makemkv), burning went fine (imgburn), playback is fine on windows 10 for the file and the disc..
when playing on my OPPO105D there is dropouts from the disc in a variety of places. Square blocks of white in a dark scene, or bands of square blocks across the screen horizontally, in a variety of places.

I burned another disk, from the same ISO, same problem in exactly the same places. The discs are brand-new Verbatim from Japan. I am making a backup of all my blu-ray's and this is the only movie to give me trouble in playback.

Problem is seen right from the START with the WB logo fading in/out and the fade in of a few lines of small white text on a black background. The WB logo does not fade in or out smoothly, it sort of fragments into/out of the black background. The lines of text do the same sort of thing, neither are smooth fades in or out.

At first I thought that this was a video effect that was intentional on this version... but No..

Then all is fine until 16mins, when Sandra Bullock is tumbling into the starry darkness away from the breaking up shuttle. As she gets smaller while tumbling, there are square blocks of white around her space suit and in particular the helmet is broken up into blocks... and as the earth is seen from her tumbling POV, with the large white area wiping down vertically and diagonally at a fast rate of speed.. the edges of that whiteness becames squares..

(it feels to me that the problem appears in scenes that I think would be hard to encode) IMO..,

Weird.. any ideas..? Yes I will try the two discs in another player when I get the chance, but anyone care to guess..?
Not my 105D surely..!!?

cheers CD
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Joined: Tue May 30, 2023 1:02 pm

Re: Don't tell me that my OPPO is faulty..!

Post by doobre »

thought i should add some jpg's to show the prob...
snapshot_gravity_009.jpg (19.34 KiB) Viewed 1380 times
snapshot_gravity_005.jpg (20.2 KiB) Viewed 1380 times
snapshot_gravity_003.jpg (35.65 KiB) Viewed 1380 times
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Re: Don't tell me that my OPPO is faulty..!

Post by Billycar11 »

Simple solution don't play burned disks use a hdd or SSD /nas to your oppo.
As it has been stated LG/ Asus are not good burners so that could be the issue
Buy a UHD drive from the guide and how to video maker: ... 20&t=17831
UHD Drives Guide: ... 16&t=19634
Auto flash kit $25 Email me for one
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