Using 524544KB for read cache.
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 6094848 at 'u<[]5WgK1,d|&;Fk>+An_l:213130007
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 6094848 at 'u<[]5WgK1,d|&;Fk>+An_l:213130007
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 6094848 at 'u<[]5WgK1,d|&;Fk>+An_l:213130007
001005:0000 MakeMKV v1.6.3 darwin(x86-release) started
001004:0000 Debug logging enabled, log will be saved as /Users/captain/MakeMKV_log.txt
003007:0000 Using direct disc access mode
003307:0000 File 00000.mpls was added as title #0
003307:0000 File 00014.mpls was added as title #1
003025:0000 Title #00002.m2ts has length of 0 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003307:0000 File 00003.m2ts was added as title #2
003307:0000 File 00004.m2ts was added as title #3
003307:0000 File 00007.m2ts was added as title #4
003025:0000 Title #00008.m2ts has length of 117 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003307:0000 File 00009.m2ts was added as title #5
003025:0000 Title #00010.m2ts has length of 12 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00011.m2ts has length of 11 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00012.m2ts has length of 23 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #00014.m2ts has length of 10 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
005011:0000 Operation successfully completed
005014:0000 Saving 1 titles into directory /Volumes/Blu-Ray_rips/unforgiven
002008:0020 Program reads data faster than it can write to disk, consider upgrading your hard drive if you see many of these messages.
002008:0020 Program reads data faster than it can write to disk, consider upgrading your hard drive if you see many of these messages.
002008:0020 Program reads data faster than it can write to disk, consider upgrading your hard drive if you see many of these messages.
002008:0020 Program reads data faster than it can write to disk, consider upgrading your hard drive if you see many of these messages.
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 131072 at `S=Sew$"nHxGB8ko`(C$n{:121262256
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 4294967295 at `S=Sew$"nHxGB8ko`(C$n{:121262279
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 28 at `S=Sew$"nHxGB8ko`(C$n{:121262348
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 131072 at `S=Sew$"nHxGB8ko`(C$n{:121262256
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 4294967295 at `S=Sew$"nHxGB8ko`(C$n{:121262279
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 28 at `S=Sew$"nHxGB8ko`(C$n{:121262348
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 0 at ^J[&'Alz-3\<\;#Mm:29395287
001002:0020 LIBMKV_TRACE: Exception: EOF in writeFully
005003:0000 Failed to save title 0 to file /Volumes/Blu-Ray_rips/unforgiven/title00.mkv
005004:0080 0 titles saved, 1 failed
005037:0204 Copy complete. 0 titles saved, 1 failed.
And, yes, I powercycled the blu-ray drive and restarted MakeMKV. Still no joy.