F:\DOLBYVISION\MAKEMKVDOLBYVISION>python-3.7.6.amd64\python.exe src\MKV_patcher.py
Please, drag and drop here the MKV file and press ENTER:
Please choose the profile to assign (7 or
![Cool 8)](./images/smilies/icon_cool.gif)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "F:\DOLBYVISION\MAKEMKVDOLBYVISION\python-3.7.6.amd64\lib\site-packages\bitstring.py", line 833, in _initialise
init_without_length_or_offset[k](self, v)
KeyError: 'uint'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "src\MKV_patcher.py", line 243, in <module>
patched_data = mkv_patcher.inject_dolby_vision(dolby_vision_data)
File "src\MKV_patcher.py", line 217, in inject_dolby_vision
File "src\MKV_patcher.py", line 159, in init_elements
el_property["size"] = self.read_variable_size_int()
File "src\MKV_patcher.py", line 138, in read_variable_size_int
parsedValue = BitArray(uint=(self.mkv_data[pos:pos + 8] & (~self.get_len_mark(length))).uint,length=length)
File "src\MKV_patcher.py", line 127, in get_len_mark
return BitArray(uint=1 << (8 - int(length /
![Cool 8)](./images/smilies/icon_cool.gif)
File "F:\DOLBYVISION\MAKEMKVDOLBYVISION\python-3.7.6.amd64\lib\site-packages\bitstring.py", line 3059, in __new__
y = Bits.__new__(BitArray, auto, length, offset, **kwargs)
File "F:\DOLBYVISION\MAKEMKVDOLBYVISION\python-3.7.6.amd64\lib\site-packages\bitstring.py", line 812, in __new__
x._initialise(auto, length, offset, **kwargs)
File "F:\DOLBYVISION\MAKEMKVDOLBYVISION\python-3.7.6.amd64\lib\site-packages\bitstring.py", line 838, in _initialise
init_with_length_only[k](self, v, length)
File "F:\DOLBYVISION\MAKEMKVDOLBYVISION\python-3.7.6.amd64\lib\site-packages\bitstring.py", line 1388, in _setuint
raise CreationError(msg, uint, length, (1 << length) - 1)
bitstring.CreationError: 256 is too large an unsigned integer for a bitstring of length 8. The allowed range is [0, 255].
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