WH16NS40 Flasher

Discussion of LibreDrive mode, compatible drives and firmwares
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Re: WH16NS40 Flasher

Post by sorntor »

MartyMcNuts wrote:
Mon Dec 07, 2020 2:46 am
sorntor wrote:
Mon Dec 07, 2020 12:43 am
d00zah wrote:
Mon Dec 07, 2020 12:36 am

Select a drive from the first drop down box.

Select either WRITE, READ or RECOVER option (write is default).

If you selected RECOVER:

A "file browser" will open so you can select the drive's current (wrong) firmware. This is so the boot ID can be obtained.

Click the second drop down box to select the correct firmware to flash. (DE_LG_WH16NS40_1.01.bin)

You can now press the START button to recover the drive and flashing the selected firmware to your drive. Once the firmware has been flashed successfully, the application will refresh the drive list shown in the drop down box.

NO NEED to check 'enc'.
" A "file browser" will open so you can select the drive's current (wrong) firmware. This is so the boot ID can be obtained"

This part confuses me. What file am I supposed to select at that part? I selected DE_LG_WH16NS40_1.02_NS50.bin as thats the last fw I flashed. Is that ok? After that choosing
the second dropdown to select DE_LG_WH16NS40_1.01.bin it produces the following error -

Command produced error code 0x8f052400

Setup pic - https://imgur.com/a/Fy5BZfZ

I *think* im following your instruction correctly I just don't know why its throwing that error.

For giggles I tried flashing HL-DT-ST-BD-RE_WH16NS40-NS50-1.05-NM00900-212005061440.bin with SDFTool and it did successfully flash it, the status changed from 1.02 to 1.05. So I did recover, selected HL-DT-ST-BD-RE_WH16NS40-NS50-1.05-NM00900-212005061440.bin, then 2nd dropdown selected DE_LG_WH16NS40_1.01.bin and it produced the same error as above 0x8f052400

Let me know what I should try and thank you :)
That should have worked for you. Can you try running app as administrator and trying again?

I've never had an old drive to test the recovery on. I've only had a desktop drive cross-flashed to slim drive firmware, so not exactly the same issue as yourself but the recovery method is supposed to be the same. See my example below...

Step 1: I have a BH16NS55 that has been accidently cross-flashed to slim drive BU40N firmware.


Step 2: I have selected the drive and clicked "Recover Drive" which opened up the filebrowser soI can select the current (wrong) firmware. I selected BU40N 1.00 as that is what is currently on the drive.


Step 3: I now select the firmware file to flash in the 2nd drop down box. As you can see, I selected BH16NS55 1.04 MK.


Step 4: Click START button to recover the drive. As you can see, my drive has been recovered and is now on BH16NS55 1.04 MK firmware.

Thanks marty, it does appear that I am doing the procedure correct as well as selecting the right files. However running as administrator still results in the error code mentioned above.

Its strange as the tool does indeed work flashing the drive, just not the recovery fw. If I choose to just write DE_LG_WH16NS40_1.01.bin it also gives the same error. But here's the strange part ...it will successfully flash DE_LG_WH16NS40_1.02_NS50.bin and HL-DT-ST-BD-RE_WH16NS40-NS50-1.05-NM00900-212005061440.bin

So the software is taking exception with the recovery file provided. Or perhaps that is some opcode/error being given back to the software from the drive when DE_LG_WH16NS40_1.01.bin is attempted to be written? I was able to write that file using the asus FW flasher, though it didn't recover.
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Re: WH16NS40 Flasher

Post by MartyMcNuts »

sorntor wrote:
Mon Dec 07, 2020 3:06 am
MartyMcNuts wrote:
Mon Dec 07, 2020 2:46 am
sorntor wrote:
Mon Dec 07, 2020 12:43 am

" A "file browser" will open so you can select the drive's current (wrong) firmware. This is so the boot ID can be obtained"

This part confuses me. What file am I supposed to select at that part? I selected DE_LG_WH16NS40_1.02_NS50.bin as thats the last fw I flashed. Is that ok? After that choosing
the second dropdown to select DE_LG_WH16NS40_1.01.bin it produces the following error -

Command produced error code 0x8f052400

Setup pic - https://imgur.com/a/Fy5BZfZ

I *think* im following your instruction correctly I just don't know why its throwing that error.

For giggles I tried flashing HL-DT-ST-BD-RE_WH16NS40-NS50-1.05-NM00900-212005061440.bin with SDFTool and it did successfully flash it, the status changed from 1.02 to 1.05. So I did recover, selected HL-DT-ST-BD-RE_WH16NS40-NS50-1.05-NM00900-212005061440.bin, then 2nd dropdown selected DE_LG_WH16NS40_1.01.bin and it produced the same error as above 0x8f052400

Let me know what I should try and thank you :)
That should have worked for you. Can you try running app as administrator and trying again?

I've never had an old drive to test the recovery on. I've only had a desktop drive cross-flashed to slim drive firmware, so not exactly the same issue as yourself but the recovery method is supposed to be the same. See my example below...

Step 1: I have a BH16NS55 that has been accidently cross-flashed to slim drive BU40N firmware.


Step 2: I have selected the drive and clicked "Recover Drive" which opened up the filebrowser soI can select the current (wrong) firmware. I selected BU40N 1.00 as that is what is currently on the drive.


Step 3: I now select the firmware file to flash in the 2nd drop down box. As you can see, I selected BH16NS55 1.04 MK.


Step 4: Click START button to recover the drive. As you can see, my drive has been recovered and is now on BH16NS55 1.04 MK firmware.

Thanks marty, it does appear that I am doing the procedure correct as well as selecting the right files. However running as administrator still results in the error code mentioned above.

Its strange as the tool does indeed work flashing the drive, just not the recovery fw. If I choose to just write DE_LG_WH16NS40_1.01.bin it also gives the same error. But here's the strange part ...it will successfully flash DE_LG_WH16NS40_1.02_NS50.bin and HL-DT-ST-BD-RE_WH16NS40-NS50-1.05-NM00900-212005061440.bin

So the software is taking exception with the recovery file provided. Or perhaps that is some opcode/error being given back to the software from the drive when DE_LG_WH16NS40_1.01.bin is attempted to be written? I was able to write that file using the asus FW flasher, though it didn't recover.
OK, I have a slightly different command I'd like you to try.

First, open a command prompt in the MakeMKV installation folder.
NOTE 1: I assume "D" is your drive letter. If it's not, change the D: in the command.
NOTE 2: Edit the recovery file location to wherever you have stored the file. If the recovery file location contains spaces, please add quotes eg: "recovery\file\location\DE_LG_WH16NS40_1.01.bin"

Here is the command:

sdftool --all-yes -d D: rawflash "main,nowait,nocheck,boot=MT1939 Boot Code" -i recovery\file\location\DE_LG_WH16NS40_1.01.bin

Let me know if this works for you.
Cheers :D
For UHD enabled drives (AU/NZ/SG + Others) & DIY Single Drive Flasher (WW): https://uhdenableddrives.com
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Re: WH16NS40 Flasher

Post by NewUser20 »

To the OP avenger, your google drive has a flawed file or something, I got a checksum error using your method and your recommended flash #1 & #2. Unless the error is because the drive's firmware is due to it being encrypted? Either way I used the other method for flashing; the SDF Tool Flasher (within the application I checked the box "encrypted firmware"), and I used your two recommended firmwares, #1 and #2 and were successful. For reference I had a WH16NS40 (Code NS50) 1.05 firmware.

Thanks for the help all. Curious, what are expected read speeds for this driver/firmware while using MakeMKV? It is reporting 21 to 25 M/s which is around ~[5.0X]. The specs from the company say without detail "read speed 48X" and also for BD-ROM 575.44 Mb/s (16x) max. What may the bottleneck be? I hope its not my SATA cable, it was an old one I think, maybe that is the reason, or maybe it's the software, I also read somewhere online that due to some sort of DRM check for UHD, reading speed was permanently bottlenecked?
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Re: WH16NS40 Flasher

Post by Billycar11 »

i dont get it why are people following this guide !?!?!?!?
Buy a UHD drive from the guide and how to video maker: https://www.makemkv.com/forum/viewtopic ... 20&t=17831
UHD Drives Guide: https://www.makemkv.com/forum/viewtopic ... 16&t=19634
Auto flash kit $25 Email me for one Billycar5924@gmail.com
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Re: WH16NS40 Flasher

Post by NewUser20 »

I followed this guide (it's not really a guide, more of just a path of which firmware to approach with for flashing) specifically because it lists people's experience with the driver that I have. I do not know which #1 firmware to flash, and which #2 flash downgrade to stick with. I simply followed what works laid by people who have successfully done it. I see your guide Billy says (for this driver) to go with firmware WH16NS60 1.02MK, but I am not sure what firmware that is within the mk firmware pack, as there is only WH16NS60-1.03, which is definitely not 1.02MK. Also from what I comprehended of your guide, I couldn't figure out if I needed to cross flash to ASUS, which one if so, or just go straight to the revision 1.03 of this driver. There wasn't in my opinion enough background text explaining reasons. What is confusing is the number of choices of applications to flash and possibilities of firmware to pick. Thank you though for putting it together as it's a good reference for where to get the firmware and flashing app's, as well as the checklist to determine if one has the proper drive.
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Re: WH16NS40 Flasher

Post by Billycar11 »

i now made the all you need firmware pack has everything you need.
every time i have been to this thread it has felt like a person has bricked the drive so i only seen bad experiences.
flashing to asus firmware is 100% unnecessary and has been for a long time marty and me were the ones who figured it out.
Buy a UHD drive from the guide and how to video maker: https://www.makemkv.com/forum/viewtopic ... 20&t=17831
UHD Drives Guide: https://www.makemkv.com/forum/viewtopic ... 16&t=19634
Auto flash kit $25 Email me for one Billycar5924@gmail.com
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Re: WH16NS40 Flasher

Post by sorntor »

MartyMcNuts wrote:
Mon Dec 07, 2020 3:36 am
sorntor wrote:
Mon Dec 07, 2020 3:06 am
MartyMcNuts wrote:
Mon Dec 07, 2020 2:46 am

That should have worked for you. Can you try running app as administrator and trying again?

I've never had an old drive to test the recovery on. I've only had a desktop drive cross-flashed to slim drive firmware, so not exactly the same issue as yourself but the recovery method is supposed to be the same. See my example below...

Step 1: I have a BH16NS55 that has been accidently cross-flashed to slim drive BU40N firmware.


Step 2: I have selected the drive and clicked "Recover Drive" which opened up the filebrowser soI can select the current (wrong) firmware. I selected BU40N 1.00 as that is what is currently on the drive.


Step 3: I now select the firmware file to flash in the 2nd drop down box. As you can see, I selected BH16NS55 1.04 MK.


Step 4: Click START button to recover the drive. As you can see, my drive has been recovered and is now on BH16NS55 1.04 MK firmware.

Thanks marty, it does appear that I am doing the procedure correct as well as selecting the right files. However running as administrator still results in the error code mentioned above.

Its strange as the tool does indeed work flashing the drive, just not the recovery fw. If I choose to just write DE_LG_WH16NS40_1.01.bin it also gives the same error. But here's the strange part ...it will successfully flash DE_LG_WH16NS40_1.02_NS50.bin and HL-DT-ST-BD-RE_WH16NS40-NS50-1.05-NM00900-212005061440.bin

So the software is taking exception with the recovery file provided. Or perhaps that is some opcode/error being given back to the software from the drive when DE_LG_WH16NS40_1.01.bin is attempted to be written? I was able to write that file using the asus FW flasher, though it didn't recover.
OK, I have a slightly different command I'd like you to try.

First, open a command prompt in the MakeMKV installation folder.
NOTE 1: I assume "D" is your drive letter. If it's not, change the D: in the command.
NOTE 2: Edit the recovery file location to wherever you have stored the file. If the recovery file location contains spaces, please add quotes eg: "recovery\file\location\DE_LG_WH16NS40_1.01.bin"

Here is the command:

sdftool --all-yes -d D: rawflash "main,nowait,nocheck,boot=MT1939 Boot Code" -i recovery\file\location\DE_LG_WH16NS40_1.01.bin

Let me know if this works for you.
It did work and did appear to successfully flash, but unfortunately drive is still non-responsive, ejects but doesn't detect discs. Any other advice?

PS C:\Program Files (x86)\MakeMKV> .\sdftool.exe --all-yes -d D: rawflash "main,nowait,nocheck,boot=MT1939 Boot Code" -i .\DE_LG_WH16NS40_1.01.bin
Reading input file .\DE_LG_WH16NS40_1.01.bin
Flashing flags = 0x0 : 0 0 0 0 : ---- ---- ---- ----
Faking existing boot loader with custom boot mark = "MT1939 Boot Code"
Current Drive ID: HL-DT-ST_BD-RE__WH16NS40_1.02_211703101650_SIK91E6GG460
Ready to write drive flash memory. (auto confirmed)
Operation started: Sending flash image to drive
100% Operation finished
Done successfully PS C:\Program Files (x86)\MakeMKV>
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Re: WH16NS40 Flasher

Post by Billycar11 »

What does your makemkv drive info say now?
Buy a UHD drive from the guide and how to video maker: https://www.makemkv.com/forum/viewtopic ... 20&t=17831
UHD Drives Guide: https://www.makemkv.com/forum/viewtopic ... 16&t=19634
Auto flash kit $25 Email me for one Billycar5924@gmail.com
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Re: WH16NS40 Flasher

Post by sorntor »

Billycar11 wrote:
Mon Dec 07, 2020 7:23 pm
What does your makemkv drive info say now?
Drive Information
OS device name: D:
Manufacturer: HL-DT-ST
Product: BD-RE WH16NS40
Revision: 1.02
Serial number: SIK91E6GG460
Firmware date: 2117-03-10 16:50
Bus encryption flags: 17

I can only assume it didn't successfully flash even though it indicated so as thats the old fw?
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Re: WH16NS40 Flasher

Post by Billycar11 »

Yeah didn't flash try again after reboot and check command is correct
Buy a UHD drive from the guide and how to video maker: https://www.makemkv.com/forum/viewtopic ... 20&t=17831
UHD Drives Guide: https://www.makemkv.com/forum/viewtopic ... 16&t=19634
Auto flash kit $25 Email me for one Billycar5924@gmail.com
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Re: WH16NS40 Flasher

Post by MartyMcNuts »

sorntor wrote:
Mon Dec 07, 2020 8:27 pm
Billycar11 wrote:
Mon Dec 07, 2020 7:23 pm
What does your makemkv drive info say now?
Drive Information
OS device name: D:
Manufacturer: HL-DT-ST
Product: BD-RE WH16NS40
Revision: 1.02
Serial number: SIK91E6GG460
Firmware date: 2117-03-10 16:50
Bus encryption flags: 17

I can only assume it didn't successfully flash even though it indicated so as thats the old fw?
I was hoping that would work for you. Bugger....

Try the same command again but replace MT1939 Boot Code" with MT1959 Boot JB8 " (Note the space before the quote! Keep it in. It is not a typo!)
Cheers :D
For UHD enabled drives (AU/NZ/SG + Others) & DIY Single Drive Flasher (WW): https://uhdenableddrives.com
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Re: WH16NS40 Flasher

Post by sorntor »

MartyMcNuts wrote:
Tue Dec 08, 2020 12:01 am
sorntor wrote:
Mon Dec 07, 2020 8:27 pm
Billycar11 wrote:
Mon Dec 07, 2020 7:23 pm
What does your makemkv drive info say now?
Drive Information
OS device name: D:
Manufacturer: HL-DT-ST
Product: BD-RE WH16NS40
Revision: 1.02
Serial number: SIK91E6GG460
Firmware date: 2117-03-10 16:50
Bus encryption flags: 17

I can only assume it didn't successfully flash even though it indicated so as thats the old fw?
I was hoping that would work for you. Bugger....

Try the same command again but replace MT1939 Boot Code" with MT1959 Boot JB8 " (Note the space before the quote! Keep it in. It is not a typo!)

PS C:\Program Files (x86)\MakeMKV> .\sdftool.exe --all-yes -d D: rawflash "main,nowait,nocheck,boot=MT1959 Boot JB8 " -i .\DE_LG_WH16NS40_1.01.bin

Reading input file .\DE_LG_WH16NS40_1.01.bin
Flashing flags = 0x0 : 0 0 0 0 : ---- ---- ---- ----
Faking existing boot loader with custom boot mark = "MT1959 Boot JB8 "
Current Drive ID: HL-DT-ST_BD-RE__WH16NS40_1.02_211703101650_SIK91E6GG460
Ready to write drive flash memory. (auto confirmed)
Operation started: Sending flash image to drive
98% .................................................
Write DRAM NG 05/24/00

Command produced error code 0x8f052400
PS C:\Program Files (x86)\MakeMKV>

There's that error code!

Yep, that is exactly what I figured would happen as this is the same command that the flasher uses. I honestly am at a loss as to why neither of those commands worked. One of them should have. I'll contact Mike regarding that error code and hopefully he can shed some light.

The only other thing I can think of to try is the old dosflash method. You will need a PC that can be changed to IDE mode in the bios and your drive needs to be connected to sata port 0 or 1 of motherboard. As you have previously flashed the newer 1.05 firmware, dosflash access is disabled, however, the new version has a workaround. There is a bit of work required to get things set up though...

To use dosflash, you will need:

The drive recovery iso file. Write it to a USB stick so you can boot from it. Look at the bottom of the first post under "NS40 Recovery Image" in thread https://www.makemkv.com/forum/viewtopic ... 16&t=19634. There are instructions in the recovery image zip file on the best way to write the image to USB stick.

The latest dosflash. Get it from here https://www.makemkv.com/forum/viewtopic ... =15#p73174

Now, when I made the recovery iso, I can't remember if this new dosflash was around or not.... I don't think this version of dosflash is inside the recovery image so you will need to either put it on a second USB stick to use alongside the recover image stick or extract the image iso content, add the new dosflash to the "DosFlash Firmware Dumps" folder, then recreate the iso (imageBurn should do the job). Write this new image to USB stick and boot from it.

When using dosflash, you will have to:

1. Dump the current drive firmware. (This is MANDATORY as it contains your drive's very important calibration info!)
2. Use the EEPROM data mover to create a new firmware (which uses the DE_LG_WH16NS40_1.01.bin as the base and copying your calibration data from the current dump you just created in the previous step).
3. Write this newly created firmware file to the drive.
4. That's it! Reboot PC and switch any bios settings back.

Good luck!
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Re: WH16NS40 Flasher

Post by Billycar11 »

maybe DE needs to be enabled in the old firmware?
Buy a UHD drive from the guide and how to video maker: https://www.makemkv.com/forum/viewtopic ... 20&t=17831
UHD Drives Guide: https://www.makemkv.com/forum/viewtopic ... 16&t=19634
Auto flash kit $25 Email me for one Billycar5924@gmail.com
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Re: WH16NS40 Flasher

Post by sorntor »

Billycar11 wrote:
Tue Dec 08, 2020 1:35 am
maybe DE needs to be enabled in the old firmware?
Sorry not sure how to do this?
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Re: WH16NS40 Flasher

Post by MartyMcNuts »

Billycar11 wrote:
Tue Dec 08, 2020 1:35 am
maybe DE needs to be enabled in the old firmware?
Nah, I made sure it was before I added the files for download.
Cheers :D
For UHD enabled drives (AU/NZ/SG + Others) & DIY Single Drive Flasher (WW): https://uhdenableddrives.com
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