Firmware pack updated with ASUS firmware based on 3.10 (and its A204 clone) .
Overall, this seems to be a best firmware for NS50 hardware for the moment.
Mike (or anyone who has tested this)
Does this still retain burning functionality on an LG WH16NS40 NS50? I've seen reports of the NS60 losing burning capability when cross-flashed to ASUS firmware, but not sure whether this also affects other LG drives, or just the 60.
I'm one of the ones that reported it on the NS60. I don't have your specific drive so I don't know if that would be the case or not. I finally found a way to test it without completely frying my discs in the process. Simply try to erase a BD-RE. For me it simply fails when I flashed the NS60 with the ASUS 3.10 MK firmware. I know at least one person who had zero problems burning BD media with his NS60 and ASUS 3.02 downgrade enabled firmware. All I can tell you is try it and be prepared to lose one disc in the process potentially.
Hello today I have of Verbatim BD-R XL 100GB described with my LG BH16NS55 where with Dosflash firmware 3.02 to Asus BW-16D1HT have changed, and with Mike new firmware ASUS-BW-16D1HT-MK 3.10 have flashed. Great that the writing ability remained.
Great forum! Thank you
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Last edited by Atlas2000 on Sun Mar 24, 2019 8:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I have a question about the Asus MK3.10 firmware. I read that the official 3.10 firmware makes it impossible to flash back to older versions using the official Asus firmware updater. Is that the same for the MK3.10 version? If I were to install the MK3.10 firmware on my Asus, will I still be able to go back to e.g. 3.02 via the easy Asus updater tool?
You can downgrade the mk version as Mike removed the downgrade restriction. The official 3.10 is not downgradable. But people have already tried downgrading the mk 3.10 to 3.02 and it works for them.
You can downgrade the mk version as Mike removed the downgrade restriction. The official 3.10 is not downgradable. But people have already tried downgrading the mk 3.10 to 3.02 and it works for them.
Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk
Cool! Thanks for the info! Then I'll go ahead and try MK3.10
Hi, quick question, my MakeMKV doesn't show any LibreDrive Information on its frontpage, does this mean, that my drive is not compatible. Or do I have to enable the LibreDrive Info on the rigth side of the gui?
If there is no LibreDrive information, your drive isn't on the list. Look at the firmware date shown in the information window; if the date is prior to 2015, the drive is too old. And even drives made in 2015 may be too old.
The sleep bug is really overhyped and in my opinion does not warrant cross flashing the drive and having it be picked up by MakeMKV as as an LG drive when in reality it’s an ASUS.
Any speed difference is negligible all these full sized drives will ramp up and may touch 8.0X but then settle down to a sustainable speed of high 6s / low 7s which is still pretty darned fast considering what the drive is doing...
For ripping it is not a big deal you just eject the disk before clicking ok on the backup being done so the disk never spins backup.
But if you do direct playback you need the sleepbug fix if you ever pause the movie.
And there are many reasons for unofficial playback on PC over another device mine being my c9 oled supports hdcp 2.2 and 4k hdr but my surround sound avr only has HDMI 1.4 so I need 2 HDMI cables out of my gpu so I can get 4k hdr and lossless surround sound audio. Some UHD Blu-ray players with 2 HDMI out still need hdcp 2.2 on both ports.
I'm waiting for HDMI 2.1 avrs so I can do 4k 120 hz with vrr with one cable