Dump submitted - Winchester '73 UK Criterion
Dump submitted - Winchester '73 UK Criterion
MKB20_v77_WINCHESTER_'73_C312.tgz submitted to service queue.
- Posts: 187
- Joined: Fri Sep 06, 2024 4:47 pm
Re: Dump submitted - Winchester '73 UK Criterion
Re: Dump submitted - Winchester '73 UK Criterion
As i have no idea how to use key db so i am waiting for the normal method but after over a week I’m beginning to wonder if it ever will appear,any thoughts. In my defence I’m mid 70’s and not computer literate so don’t be to hard on me.Thanks
Re: Dump submitted - Winchester '73 UK Criterion
Is your TGZ dump file also named "MKB20_v77_WINCHESTER_'73_C312.tgz"? Because if so, and you're also using Windows, then SamuriHL's tool should help you.
Re: Dump submitted - Winchester '73 UK Criterion
It is indeed the same file that I have but I’m still at a loss how to do the set up.thanks
Re: Dump submitted - Winchester '73 UK Criterion
The short version is, in addition to the normal method of MakeMKV automatically downloading hashed keys when they're available, there's a way you can download a different file, keydb.cfg, that when placed in the correct spot in MakeMKV will allow MakeMKV to use it additionally for defeating the encryption on 4K UHDs. It is entirely optional, but it often gets updated with new keys faster than MakeMKV's hashed keys method.
If you'd like to try it, there are instructions here: https://forum.makemkv.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=162444#p162444
- Posts: 187
- Joined: Fri Sep 06, 2024 4:47 pm
Re: Dump submitted - Winchester '73 UK Criterion
I wrote a set of instructions for configuring MakeMKV to use the public keydb here: Link
You can also use SamuriHL's utility to automate the process if you run Windows: (Link)
Basically if you can manage to download and extract a zip file you can use the keydb. There is no trick or complexity to the process as long as you can follow a short guide.