I have a number of HD-DVD's that I would like to salvage. If you don't mind, what drive are you using to read these discs into your system and how are you making the connection(sata, usb, etc.)?
I use an LG GGC-H20L SuperMulti internal SATA drive. It's very rare nowadays but there is a used one on Ebay for $69.95 US
1) American Me
2) Universal Studios Home Entertainment
3) .EVO files? never even seen that before... mediainfo says they are VC-1
4) DD+ 5.1 / DD+ 2.0
5) Backup option grayed out. Can only convert to mkv
6) DEBUG: Code 3221225486 at /#i^dV2 QD51N^S+0^g8:29394390
1) 300
2) Warner Home Video
3) 1080p/VC-1
4) DDPlus 5.1
5) Fails almost immediately when trying to backup. I can rip some individual tracks, not the main track however as it encounters media errors after about 15 minutes. I was able to build a ddrescue image of the hddvd, but I'm unable to pair it with a discatt.dat as the backup immediately fails and never generates one.
6) Debug log
# makemkvcon --debug --noscan --directio=false backup disc:1 /root/rip/dme
Debug log started at Fri Oct 25 00:06:59 2019 , written by MakeMKV v1.14.3 linux(x64-release)
Using 262272KB for read cache.
001005:0000 MakeMKV v1.14.3 linux(x64-release) started
001004:0000 Debug logging enabled, log will be saved as /root/MakeMKV_log.txt
005072:0000 Backing up disc into folder "/root/rip/dme"
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 0 at UB`Z)HS1-zNT6UNY:213142243
No SDF v042: TOSHIBA_DVD/HD__X807616_MC08_692W030969
DEBUG: Code 0 at S(k|~QG=Z=`9'(=YGOE:213138793
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 0 at S(k|~QG=Z=`9'(=YGOE:121270766
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 0 at S(k|~QG=Z=`9'(=YGOE:29403360
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 0 at &Y}.>L,<f[)%Q5Ol,mqv:121264855
005069:0080 Backup failed
005080:0204 Backup failed.
Application exited at Fri Oct 25 00:07:03 2019
2) Paramount
4) DolbyTrueHD + DolbyDigitalPlus
5) MakeMKV takes a long time to open the disc, misses the main movie and fails to rip the rest
missing_Main_Movie_HOT_ROD.PNG (77.54 KiB) Viewed 41621 times
ripping-failure_HOT_ROD.PNG (88.23 KiB) Viewed 41621 times
I’ve ripped a few hd DVDs but only 2 are playing correctly through Plex , the elephant man plays but audio is out of sync and plays like in slow motion. Is this to do with the FPS and pull down flags ? I’ve read handbrake removes them is this correct?
As salvaging ones HD-DVDs becomes a more pressing concern by each passing month, here are a two German HD-DVDs which refuse to open in MakeMKV (even when decrypted with dumphd).
I didn't see a better place to put this so, here is my necropost. My HD DVD drive has been happily ripping discs using AnyDVD (blasphemy). But my drive (I forget the model no.) won't even recognize three HD DVD's I have from a box set: Blade Runner-5 Disc Special Edition. Has anybody found a way to rip the three HD DVDs in that set?
I'll post this here, as well for others. HD DVD has not aged well in terms of staying rippable. I just ripped my collection of them a few weeks ago and ran into a similar problem of having a disc I couldn't read. Given the age of these discs at this point I truly think some of them have just gone bad. Cleaning made no difference for me, either.