Sorry it is my first post here
I know that the BH16NS40 drive has already been discuss but i need to make sure i can flash this disk drive with the correct firmware
My OS is Debian 12 (headless)
I installed makemkvcon from unofficial packaging for Debian following this thread : viewtopic.php?f=3&t=24328 then
Code: Select all
sdftool --list
Code: Select all
Found 1 drives(s)
00: dev_21:0, /dev/sr0, /dev/sr0
Code: Select all
sdftool -d /dev/sr0 --info
Code: Select all
SDF.bin version: 0x0097
Drive Tool SDF present
Drive Specific SDF present
[Drive Specific SDF] Embedded Info Strings:
8000:LibreDrive Information
8109:Possible (with patched firmware)
8001:Drive platform
8010:Harware support
8011:Firmware support
8002:Firmware type
8108:Original (patched version available)
8003:Firmware version
8005:DVD all regions
8109:Possible (with patched firmware)
8006:BD raw data read
8109:Possible (with patched firmware)
8007:BD raw metadata read
8109:Possible (with patched firmware)
8009:Unrestricted read speed
8109:Possible (with patched firmware)
[Drive Specific SDF] Embedded Status Message:
8096:LibreDrive mode for this drive is only possible with firmware upgrade (id=%1)
Identification SDF present
[Identification SDF] Embedded Info Strings:
8000:LibreDrive Information
8102:Possible, not yet enabled
8001:Drive platform
[Identification SDF] Drive autodetect string:
mtk:19:59:JB8 :HL-DT-ST:BD-RE BH16NS40 1.05:N000600:-
But i'm hesitate to choose the correct firmware (HL-DT-ST-BD-RE_BH16NS60-1.02-NM00600-212005081014.bin, HL-DT-ST-BD-RE_WH16NS60-1.02-NM00100-211810291936.bin or maybe another one)
Can you please help me to get the correct one ?
In order to flash the drive, is the following command correct ?
Code: Select all
makemkvcon f -d /dev/sr0 rawflash enc -i firmware.bin
, is there any to get it from linux command ?KEYDB.cfg
Thank you for helping me