Best way to report bugs?

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Best way to report bugs?

Post by Giffdev »

Hey folks, I was wondering if this forum or another is the best way to report bugs? When I was using MakeMKV v1.14, everything was always smooth sailing with my drive and I ripped most of my disks that way.

With 1.15.2, a majority of the time, my WH16NS60 isn't found by makeMKV, until I reboot the PC. It's not deal-breaking, but frustrating to feel like this release was a step backward. If there's any way to report bugs or provide logs, I'm happy to do so. I wonder if others are hitting the same issue I am.
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Re: Best way to report bugs?

Post by Woodstock »

The forum is the best way.

As for the "finding optical drives", that can be a number of factors, usually permissions. Changes in ALL supported operating systems make it more difficult to get hardware access.

In the case of Windows, at least, the latest security updates tend to ban direct drive access to "new" programs, including updates to old ones. To work around this, v1.15.x includes an optional "CD Arbiter" service that runs with administrator privileges, and allows MakeMKV to work as a normal user.
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