Output Filename

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Output Filename

Post by Heinrich »

the output filenames are diving me nutso. I keep getting title00.mkv, title01.mkv, etc. So if I want to output multiple ISO to 1 directory, the files would over-write themselves. Now when I fiddle with Properties/Name it does say FamilyVideos ... I want that to be part of the filename so I can step through several without having to stop to rename.

I tried that BatchMKV program and I have the same unpredictable results. Maybe I'm just missing something simple, I hope.
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Re: Output Filename

Post by Woodstock »

Preferences->General, check "Expert mode".

Now you will be able to edit file names before the rip; select the title, and you'll see "Name" with a down arrow next to it. There are now other things you can edit, including the file name.

Not sure what can be done running the command line version, which is what the batch job scripts do; I just use the GUI.
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Re: Output Filename

Post by Heinrich »

I have expert mode checked. Name says FamilyVideos however output is title01.mkv without the Family Videos :(
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Re: Output Filename

Post by Woodstock »

Which "Name"?

You have the disk name, which is USUALLY copied to the "Name" property for all titles on the disk. If this is blank, when you fill it in, it will normally be copied to the Name property for any title you have not already set a name for, and the file names for those titles will be set to "the name with spaces replaced by _, plus _tNN.mkv".

The only time I've seen titleNN.mkv used is when there is no name for the DVD/BD disk itself. Most (but not all) commercial disks will have a disk name, but few home-made DVDs will. But filling in a disk name "fixes" that in the GUI.
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Re: Output Filename

Post by Heinrich »

I'm only seeing one disk name field - it's on the right pane just underneath Output Folder. Above there it says Properties and below Properties is Name or Metadata Language. to the right of Name it says FamilyVideos
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Re: Output Filename

Post by Woodstock »

And the disk name field becomes the title name field, once you move the left pane down to a title. The "Name" button can be changed to "Filename", "Meta data", and "Language", by clicking on it.

I use this quite often; Load a disk, set the directory, change the disk name to match what I want it to show as, then press the down arrow on the keyboard. The titles on the left pane change names to match the disk name. I can then edit them to put episode numbers in, and come back on a second pass and edit the file names to get rid of the "_" characters and the "_tNN" at the end.

It's slower if you use the mouse, but it works.
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Re: Output Filename

Post by Heinrich »

Thanks for spending the time to describe this to me. I'm seeing what you're seeing, and I'm a tiny bit further along. But I cannot get the disc name to manually append to the filename of the title without some copy/paste work to every title. I'm actually on an old HD-DVD right now as opposed to a DVD, not sure if that makes any difference.
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Re: Output Filename

Post by Woodstock »

Yes, copy/paste will be your friend in this. I really wish Mike would give us the option to NOT replace punctuation and spaces in track names with "_" in the file name... It would save a lot of this, especially when dealing with multi-episode TV series disks.

I've tossed together a short tutorial on this, which, other than the initial screen, should apply to DVD, BD, and HD-DVD.

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Re: Output Filename

Post by Heinrich »

Ok, then I'm not missing anything. I was so sure I was .. it seems like this doesn't bother people and I'm surprised there haven't been more vocal requests. I think just typing straight in here is faster than using Filebot but I'd almost need a stopwatch to verify.
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Re: Output Filename

Post by Heinrich »

So --- maybe I (we?) am (are?) missing something. I was under the impression that every so often I do get the disc name appended to the file name. Just for fun, I picked out one of the ISOs in my 'to-do' list. I have a server and I have a desktop. I picked out the same ISO with each machine. ON the server I actually got the disc name appended to the filename. On the desktop I did not. I actually got lucky that I got one with the append because usually I just don't.

There is some way to automatically do this.

In fact in your description it says

"As a result of changing the disk name, notice that the Left menu area changed, too; The disk name was applied to the title names."

That's not happening for me except for these occasional rare times and it takes me by surprise. Maybe I'm making a typo that's step 2 after changing the disk name ... or there's some other setting, or there's a bug :?
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Re: Output Filename

Post by Woodstock »

For me, the "cascading" name change occurs whenever I move out of the name field for the disk. I typically just hit the down arrow, because I usually have to add the episode number to the end of the name.

Example, I change the disk name to "Charlotte HD0", then step through the episodes adding "1", "2", "3", etc. I will have put the "Charlotte HD0" into my clipboard, so when I go back through the titles to change the file names, I highlight the main portion of the file name, paste in the "Charlotte HD0", add the episode number, move up or down to get to the next title.

MakeMKV appends the title number to the end of file names to make sure they're unique... I wish that and the underscore substitution could be turned off... :roll:
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Re: Output Filename

Post by Heinrich »

so it was visual - literally what's happening that's throwing me off is that the filename sometimes does show on my screen with the disc name appended. But when it shows on the interface, it doesn't wind up actually creating it that way.

Have you played with BatchMKV? It's supposed to be the ultimate fix for this. But I couldn't get that to give me predictable results either.
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Re: Output Filename

Post by Woodstock »

No, I've not played with any of the batch programs. I work with automating processes professionally, and I've seen far too much variation between disk authoring styles to consider trying the batch system. And I've learned how to keep multiple drives spinning when I need to rip a batch of disks.

Really, there aren't that many people who do more than one or two disks in a WEEK, let alone a day. File name conflicts? What are they? :roll:
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