MKV has problems from either disc or backup

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MKV has problems from either disc or backup

Post by tilphor » Tue Oct 15, 2013 9:39 pm


I am relatively new to the Blu-Ray ripping scene, although I have been ripping DVDs for some time.

Quite a few Blu-Rays I have ripped into MKV files using this program have no problems whatsoever. I have run into a few exceptions. The most recent is my copy of Brave. Whenever I attempt to create an MKV of this movie, the resulting file consistently stutters and freezes in the same exact spots. This happens very early in the movie, and is funniest with the freeze frame of Dad yelling at Mordu. Every time I rip it, it stops at EXACTLY the same spot.

After getting frustrated and reading all I could about Brave in particular, and ripping Blu-Ray in general, I tried one other thing. Instead of directly ripping the movie to MKV, I first created a backup, using MakeMKV, and then ripped it to MKV from the backup. In fact, I backed it up twice, once with the disc decrypted and once without. Each MKV had the exact same issues at the exact same spots (I'm getting really familiar with Dad's "GO" face).

The backup plays just fine, without any hitches whatsoever. The disc plays without any hitches. ONLY the MKV file. I also watch carefully as the log is created, and the only "error" I get is telling me that the program reads faster than my disc can write.

Is there anything that anyone can tell me?


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