Assorted subtitles problems with DVDs

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Assorted subtitles problems with DVDs

Post by hecya » Thu Sep 22, 2011 12:41 am

I process all my DVDs on a Mac (10.6) and I test each one with VLC before storing them into a local hard disk connected to a WD TV Live Plus. All DVDs I process are region 4 (Mexico). I also have a WD TV (no Live) and the problems are exactly the same. I never tried Bluerays.

In just some of the movies (about 5% or less) I encounter problems with subtitles. I have identified several different issues and each movie with problems always display the same kind.

The problems are:

- subtitles that are not shown on the screen but the option is available on the WD TV menu
- subtitles that have transparent text with a light gray border
- subtitles that show for a fraction of a second and then disappear. Not a text is skipped but they are too quick to be read.
- subtitles that are shown with skipping. One text appears with a normal duration, then disappears but the next one is not shown and some time later another line of text appears and so on. So there is no way to get the continuity of the movie

All the movies play correctly on the Mac with VLC.

All this points to me that there must be something wrong with the WD firmware and I hope that there is some solution to this.

mike admin
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Re: Assorted subtitles problems with DVDs

Post by mike admin » Thu Sep 22, 2011 9:26 am

hecya wrote: - subtitles that are not shown on the screen but the option is available on the WD TV menu
- subtitles that have transparent text with a light gray border
There are reports about "transparent subtitles" but the cause is still unknown.
hecya wrote: - subtitles that show for a fraction of a second and then disappear. Not a text is skipped but they are too quick to be read.
This has been fixed long ago. Are you using the latest version?
hecya wrote: - subtitles that are shown with skipping. One text appears with a normal duration, then disappears but the next one is not shown and some time later another line of text appears and so on. So there is no way to get the continuity of the movie
This is first time I hear something like this.

Do you have MKV files with such broken subtitles?

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