First Time Use - Subtitles on the Movie

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First Time Use - Subtitles on the Movie

Post by GregBe » Sat Aug 06, 2011 8:21 am

So I just downloaded Makemkv tonight and tried it for the first time. Worked great. I tried it with Transformers - Revenge of the Fallen. I won't have my media player I will be using (probably a Boxee Box), for a month or two. While I am waiting, I want to start to backup all of my DVDs. The last thing I want to do is rip them all the wrong way, only to find out once it is too late and I have to start over. I did a test and downloaded VLC Media Player, which the MakeMkv site recommends. It played back great, but there were English subtitles on all the time. Is this normal? Will I simply be able to turn them off once I play them on the Boxee. If it helps, I noticed when it was decrypting, it said Region Code of the DVD doesn't match Region Code of the drive. That seemed strange, since it is a US bought DVD, and I just bought a HP external DVD Drive today from Best Buy.

Any thoughts would be much appreciated. Thanks!

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