Not sure why people post forum threads that they submitted a dump, too, but whatever it can't hurt for me to post as well

Code: Select all
Disc Information
Timestamp: 2024-09-17 13:08:06
Protection: AACS2.0/C v77
Data capacity: 90.40 Gb
Disc type: BD-ROM UHD
Number of layers: 3
Bus encryption flags: 80
Code: Select all
MakeMKV v1.17.8 win(x64-release) started
Using LibreDrive mode (v01.0 id=487B87C5A715)
Backing up disc into folder "S:\Media\Entertainment\Videos\Videos TV and Movies\Movies\Labyrinth (1986)"
Downloading latest HK to C:\Users\<redacted>/.MakeMKV ...
Saved AACS dump file as C:\Users\<redacted>/.MakeMKV/MKB20_v77_LABYRINTH_DEB0.tgz
The volume key is unknown for this disc - video can't be decrypted
Backup failed