Audio out of sync from a bad dubbing

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Audio out of sync from a bad dubbing

Post by 916Ripper » Tue Apr 09, 2024 3:46 pm

I have ripped hundreds of movies in the past so I'm fairly familiar with the process and end result.

Recently I attempted to rip a new movie and my drive wouldn't work. So I bought a new drive, which appears to be working. However, the movies that I have ripped the audio is out of sync from the movie. I've done 6 Blu-rays and they're all doing the same thing. I have verified the discs in a stand alone player and they're fine on there.

What if anything can I do to resolve this? It's like watching a bad kung-foo movie with the audio dubbed in during post production.

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Re: Audio out of sync from a bad dubbing

Post by Radiocomms237 » Tue Apr 09, 2024 11:20 pm

I think you'd be surprised just how much audio is actually "dubbed in during post production" of movies. Unless it's filmed on a sound stage, probably around 95% of what you hear is added later, including ADR (Automated Dialogue Replacement)!

However, I can't think how a different optical drive would be causing your problem? All it's doing is reading data from the disc, if it can't for some reason, MakeMKV should be spitting-out errors in the log.

MakeMKV does then resync the various tracks using the timecodes on each frame (if they're valid) but it should also tell you that it's doing so in the log.

Could you give us more information? Perhaps a screenshot of MakeMKV when it's ripping one of the affected tracks/discs?

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Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2020 10:23 pm

Re: Audio out of sync from a bad dubbing

Post by 916Ripper » Wed Apr 10, 2024 10:27 pm

After getting the replacement drive was doing the same thing. Then it dawned on my I'm using a MacBook Pro with Apple Mini speakers. Those speakers have a slight delay to them and that's what the problem was. When playing the discs and files through the MBP internal speakers no problems at all with the audio. Hopefully this helps the next person who encounters this issue.

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