Procmon/cyberlink mpls help

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Procmon/cyberlink mpls help

Post by elm.remedio » Fri Sep 27, 2019 6:24 pm

I've been using Procmon & Cyberlink PowerDVD to find correct MPLSs for discs that have too many of the same mpls's and it's always done it's job. But recently, with some blu-rays that I've ran, the movie will play through but not capture events and shows 0 blank contents on the ProcMon window. This is strange because it will show the segments for when trailers, menus extras, and warnings play but when the actual movie plays, It doesn't show any segments except for at the end when the movie is over. Would appreciate it if anyone had a solution or any input.
(As a side note I'm using Cyberlink PowerDVD 19 64-bit)

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