I wanted to find a method that works for both DVD and Blurays that allows for backing up / cloning on Linux with CSS intact. In MakeMKV, I see the decrypt checkbox checked (and unable to be unchecked) when I try to back up DVDs. For Blurays, that option can be toggled on and off in my experience. I am currently running either of the following:
Code: Select all
dd if=/dev/sr0 bs=2048 count=xxxxxxx of=filename.iso
ddrescue -b 2048 /dev/sr0 test2.iso
Code: Select all
diff file1.iso file2.iso
- Which option is better?
- Is there a command better suited for this?
- Is this the best approach to clone all of your DVDs/Blurays digitally?
I would love any additional advice in this area as well.