MakeMKV and iTunes

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MakeMKV and iTunes

#1 Post by trevork99 » Sun May 07, 2023 12:46 pm

Hi, so I was wondering if there is a possible solution to this dumb problem I occasionally encounter.

When I have iTunes and MakeMKV open at the same time, it all works fine and stuff. However, if I have a disc that is currently saving titles to my computer, and I quit iTunes, that program seems to send a command to both my disc drives to auto-eject them if there's a disc inside, causing the title saving to fail.

I read somewhere that this is a hard-coded feature that Apple implemented so that users don't forget to leave music discs in the disc drive, and that there's no real way around it. Because I frequently switch between iTunes libraries, this is obviously an annoying feature that forces me to wait until MakeMKV is done saving titles before I can quit iTunes and switch libraries.

It's a long shot, and it's more of an iTunes question if anything, but I was wondering if there is any possible solution to prevent this from happening.

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Re: MakeMKV and iTunes

#2 Post by dcoke22 » Sun May 07, 2023 3:53 pm

I have no idea if this will work, but there is an option in MakeMKV preferences called 'Ask for single drive mode'. It allows people to easily use MakeMKV with more than one optical drive at the same time by isolating an instance of MakeMKV to a single drive. I don't know how it'll interact with iTunes, but it might be worth giving it a try.

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