Incorrect aspect ratio from DVD, prior solutions unsuccessful

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Incorrect aspect ratio from DVD, prior solutions unsuccessful

#1 Post by LogApp » Sat Oct 17, 2020 7:36 pm

So I ran MakeMKV on Win10 on a 16:9 DVD (it's old - 2005). It generated an MKV, but it seems to have fallen to the error where as MakeMKV doesn't read the IFO file, and took info from the headers which were wrong, it's labelled the incorrect dimensions 720x576 instead of 1024x576. I looked through the forum for previous questions on this, but none of the solutions I found & tried seem to work.. I'm a total MakeMKV and video editing n00b so I'm learning as I go, so hopefully I've not missed anything obvious.

I've tried;

1 ) I've tried remuxxing through MKVToolNix GUI first by setting the correct display width, and then editing the headers, following this post with no luck (despite showing in MKVToolNix as 1024x576, the domensions still read at 720x576 in anything else. The attached window grabs are all the same file) ... =7&t=20505

postmkvtool.png (140.37 KiB) Viewed 10051 times

2) I've also tried using gMKVExtractGUI and Restream according to this post; Note; the post uses MKVExtractGUI which no longer works, so I used gMKVExtractGUI.

3) I tried doing a similar thing using DVDpatcher, as per this post.

For both of these I end up with a strange green artefact - it seems to have added this onto the edge of the 'squashed' 720 image

post gMKVExtractGUI2.png
post gMKVExtractGUI2.png (779.89 KiB) Viewed 10051 times

The MKV will play at the correct ratio in VLC, but I want to be able to open the files in some video editing freeware (OpenShot) and this is where it's causing problems as I have to use an odd profile to get it to play whilst looking at the correct ratio, but it will not export without looking squashed. I've tried alternatives to OpenShot such as VSDC (which can display and export at the correct ratio, but even the highest quality makes it blurry), but I'm yet to find something that doesn't either alter the quality or add watermarks. I'm hoping to be able to solve the problem at this end, rather than trying to handle it during editing.

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