Speeding up MakeMKV

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Speeding up MakeMKV

#1 Post by bobr3940 » Sun Sep 20, 2020 1:08 am

When ripping a blue ray movie it takes about 40 minutes to rip the main feature from the blue ray disc. I checked while MakeMKV is running and my cpu is averaging about 8% utilization, my memory is at 20% to 25%, and my local disk drive is maxing out at about 50% of transfer speed. My blue ray drive is a little older but states that it can read blue ray disks at 12x. I looked at some newer drives and they all say that they read disks at 12x so I assume that a new drive wont make a huge difference.

Is there any way to have MakeMKV take more advantage of my system and utilize more resources so that it processes the ripping faster? is there a setting somewhere I can change? I know that it is doing a lot of work decrypting and repackaging the video data but with my system not coming close to maxing out it's resources I am hoping that there is something I can do to boos the throughput.

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Re: Speeding up MakeMKV

#2 Post by Woodstock » Sun Sep 20, 2020 3:25 am

MakeMKV will read data as fast as your drive can provide it. Most of the time, MakeMKV is just idling along, waiting for more data.

The rated speed of a drive is under ideal circumstances. Rarely do they happen. Some drive+disk combinations sail along at 8-12x, once the rip reaches the outer section of the disk, where there are more bits per rotation.

Other disks get unreliable above a certain read speed; I attribute that mainly to the drive detecting that you're ripping video and slowing down (also known as "riplock"). If the drive doesn't think you're doing video, it will rip at full speed. LibreDrive is potentially helpful for that, within limitation imposed by the drive itself.

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Re: Speeding up MakeMKV

#3 Post by dcoke22 » Sun Sep 20, 2020 4:11 am

It is probably worth pointing out that MakeMKV will happily run multiple instances of itself. You could add a second drive and rip two discs at once.

My drive is a fairly new LG that is supported by Libre drive. It usually doesn't take 40 minutes to rip a blu-ray movie, but more like 25 to 30 minutes. It is really quite dependent on the disc and its condition. It isn't what I'd call fast.

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Re: Speeding up MakeMKV

#4 Post by mattiswise » Tue Jun 27, 2023 5:15 am

so would a gen5 ssd help, or its simply the player itself that is the limatation?

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Re: Speeding up MakeMKV

#5 Post by dcoke22 » Tue Jun 27, 2023 6:56 am

Almost always the optical drive is the slowest part. Once you're finished reading from the optical drive, any subsequent operations can benefit from faster storage.

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