ANYDVDHD Warning Message... Annoying & sort of wrong
ANYDVDHD Warning Message... Annoying & sort of wrong
Hi Mike,
As I've said many times before, I love MakeMKV and will be one of your loyal supporters when you go commercial.
But I would like to respectfully disagree with the warning note you put in there that pops up when I try to open a BD disc while AnyDVDHD is running.
Rips work fine for me if AnyDVDHD is running. Rips always fail (or, I fail to be able to open the disc) when AnyDVDHD is not running.
Today I updated from 1.4.9 to 1.4.11 and encountered the warning afterward. So I shut down AnyDVDHD and tried to open the disk (Chuck, season 2, disc 2) with MakeMKV. It processed for a few moments then gave me a long note to the effect that it failed to open the disc, and couldn't decrypt the video. I enabled AnyDVDHD, and tried again. Worked perfectly. I've repeated this same process on probably half a dozen BD discs, always with the same results.
Earlier today, while still on 1.4.9, I ripped Terminator Salvation (Director's cut) and Chuck Season 2 Disc 1. AnyDVDHD was running, and the rips were fine.
I'll note that I've encountered this whether using the physical disc in the drive, or mounting the .iso in VirtualCloneDrive. My ISO rips are always AnyDVDHD images keeping protection, so when mounted should be identical to the physical discs.
Can we disable that anti-AnyDVDHD warning somewhere? I haven't found an option to do so yet.
Any light you can shed on this would be appreciated. Perhaps I'm not doing something correctly? I notice in Preferences that there's a way to set an AACS Key files directory, but I've never done so. Same goes for the SVQ files directory. Should I be pointing these somewhere? Perhaps this is the root of my issue.
As I've said many times before, I love MakeMKV and will be one of your loyal supporters when you go commercial.
But I would like to respectfully disagree with the warning note you put in there that pops up when I try to open a BD disc while AnyDVDHD is running.
Rips work fine for me if AnyDVDHD is running. Rips always fail (or, I fail to be able to open the disc) when AnyDVDHD is not running.
Today I updated from 1.4.9 to 1.4.11 and encountered the warning afterward. So I shut down AnyDVDHD and tried to open the disk (Chuck, season 2, disc 2) with MakeMKV. It processed for a few moments then gave me a long note to the effect that it failed to open the disc, and couldn't decrypt the video. I enabled AnyDVDHD, and tried again. Worked perfectly. I've repeated this same process on probably half a dozen BD discs, always with the same results.
Earlier today, while still on 1.4.9, I ripped Terminator Salvation (Director's cut) and Chuck Season 2 Disc 1. AnyDVDHD was running, and the rips were fine.
I'll note that I've encountered this whether using the physical disc in the drive, or mounting the .iso in VirtualCloneDrive. My ISO rips are always AnyDVDHD images keeping protection, so when mounted should be identical to the physical discs.
Can we disable that anti-AnyDVDHD warning somewhere? I haven't found an option to do so yet.
Any light you can shed on this would be appreciated. Perhaps I'm not doing something correctly? I notice in Preferences that there's a way to set an AACS Key files directory, but I've never done so. Same goes for the SVQ files directory. Should I be pointing these somewhere? Perhaps this is the root of my issue.
- Posts: 2136
- Joined: Wed Dec 09, 2009 1:31 pm
Re: ANYDVDHD Warning Message... Annoying & sort of wrong
As a long time successful user of MakeMKV without ever using AnyDVD (since the first day of the first release of MakeMKV), I can tell you that if, as you say, you're unable to rip ANY discs without the support of AnyDVD, you have a problem that absolutely no one else has expressed. Your problem may be hardware-related or it may be due to not fully understanding the relatively simple instructions on how to use MakeMKV.
Your statement would indicate that MakeMKV is incapable of ripping ANY discs by itself. Obviously, this is not correct, as the software wouldn't continue to exist if it wasn't capable of performing its stated functions - and this forum (and positive postings about MakeMKV at other forums) likewise wouldn't exist.
If you didn't really mean to say you can NEVER successfully rip a disc (DVD or BluRay), please restate your problem. Also, please describe the procedures you use when trying to use only MakeMKV to rip.
BTW - There have been postings at various forums indicating that AnyDVD sometimes interferes with MakeMKV's ability to properly process discs...
Rips always fail (or, I fail to be able to open the disc) when AnyDVDHD is not running.
As a long time successful user of MakeMKV without ever using AnyDVD (since the first day of the first release of MakeMKV), I can tell you that if, as you say, you're unable to rip ANY discs without the support of AnyDVD, you have a problem that absolutely no one else has expressed. Your problem may be hardware-related or it may be due to not fully understanding the relatively simple instructions on how to use MakeMKV.
Your statement would indicate that MakeMKV is incapable of ripping ANY discs by itself. Obviously, this is not correct, as the software wouldn't continue to exist if it wasn't capable of performing its stated functions - and this forum (and positive postings about MakeMKV at other forums) likewise wouldn't exist.
If you didn't really mean to say you can NEVER successfully rip a disc (DVD or BluRay), please restate your problem. Also, please describe the procedures you use when trying to use only MakeMKV to rip.
BTW - There have been postings at various forums indicating that AnyDVD sometimes interferes with MakeMKV's ability to properly process discs...
Re: ANYDVDHD Warning Message... Annoying & sort of wrong
SVQ files yea you download the allcombo.svq file think it's 4KB which is a generic database of keys for all BD+ titles released to date. Even though this is a sticky it probably should be linked to from the download section of makemkv homepage.
So far haven't had any issues ripping blurays with makemkv but I'd imagine I would if I tried doing in in my virtualbox environment with anydvd hd installed. Kinda reminds me of someone trying to have two anti virus installed which is a huge no no.
I'm a Mac user so I like to use makemkv (no other option for Mac users unless virtualbox but that's no fun) then renencode with Handbrake x264. If you plan on using anydvd hd then just rip the disc (copy disc to hd) with anydvd and call it a day.
So far haven't had any issues ripping blurays with makemkv but I'd imagine I would if I tried doing in in my virtualbox environment with anydvd hd installed. Kinda reminds me of someone trying to have two anti virus installed which is a huge no no.
I'm a Mac user so I like to use makemkv (no other option for Mac users unless virtualbox but that's no fun) then renencode with Handbrake x264. If you plan on using anydvd hd then just rip the disc (copy disc to hd) with anydvd and call it a day.
Re: ANYDVDHD Warning Message... Annoying & sort of wrong
Hi Folks,
Thanks for the responses. If my first post was in any way disrespectful let me apologize!
To clarify, I've been able to rip DVDs with MakeMKV just fine (no problems with physical discs or mounted isos), and my DVD.iso (not mounting, just opening up the ISO in MakeMKV) is about 50%. This is without AnyDVDHD running. Note, most of this was several versions ago.
For BluRays my mode of operating is to make an .iso immediately, either because I have the disc for a limited time or I'm worried my kids might scratch one in my permanent collection. So I usually have AnyDVDHD running, but my experiences with it disabled have been iffy. Quite possibly this is a user error thing. I will download that svq key file for future use.
Just for my clarification, would this have been the root of my problems yesterday in testing MakeMKV (without AnyDVDHD) on my new Chuck Season 2 discs? And, should I get a different file for that AACS tab?
All the above said, this is the best application out there to make MKVs and I want to thank the authors for their hard work. I hope my occasional grousing doesn't come across too critical. Mostly, it's an admission of my own ignorance.
Thanks for the responses. If my first post was in any way disrespectful let me apologize!
To clarify, I've been able to rip DVDs with MakeMKV just fine (no problems with physical discs or mounted isos), and my DVD.iso (not mounting, just opening up the ISO in MakeMKV) is about 50%. This is without AnyDVDHD running. Note, most of this was several versions ago.
For BluRays my mode of operating is to make an .iso immediately, either because I have the disc for a limited time or I'm worried my kids might scratch one in my permanent collection. So I usually have AnyDVDHD running, but my experiences with it disabled have been iffy. Quite possibly this is a user error thing. I will download that svq key file for future use.
Just for my clarification, would this have been the root of my problems yesterday in testing MakeMKV (without AnyDVDHD) on my new Chuck Season 2 discs? And, should I get a different file for that AACS tab?
All the above said, this is the best application out there to make MKVs and I want to thank the authors for their hard work. I hope my occasional grousing doesn't come across too critical. Mostly, it's an admission of my own ignorance.

Re: ANYDVDHD Warning Message... Annoying & sort of wrong
If it's a BD+ disc then yes as of October 2009 makemkv was finally able to do those then yes you need the file and need to specify the folder and location of that file you downloaded and open and restart makemkv. Read the sticky in the forum Gerneral section.

- Posts: 2136
- Joined: Wed Dec 09, 2009 1:31 pm
Re: ANYDVDHD Warning Message... Annoying & sort of wrong
The need for individual "svq" files was (for the time being) eliminated effective 12/01/09 with the introduction of a generic "key" - the filename is "allcombo.svq". From that date forward, thusfar, MakeMKV has been able to properly (automatically) process ALL commercial BluRay discs (BD+ or not), regardless of their original release date.
Click on the following link:
The need for individual "svq" files was (for the time being) eliminated effective 12/01/09 with the introduction of a generic "key" - the filename is "allcombo.svq". From that date forward, thusfar, MakeMKV has been able to properly (automatically) process ALL commercial BluRay discs (BD+ or not), regardless of their original release date.
Click on the following link:
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Re: ANYDVDHD Warning Message... Annoying & sort of wrong
Also keep in mind that AnyDVD warning is just a warning - you are free to press continue and program will do its best to open the disc. MakeMKV will not cripple itself on purpose if it sees anydvd-processed image.
Re: ANYDVDHD Warning Message... Annoying & sort of wrong
True you can click through it, but why should a user be forced to click through the dialog box every single time rather then just having an option some where to toggle "Ignore AnyDVD Warning"
Also why should MakeMKV even care if AnyDVD is running, AnyDVD's sole purpose is to remove the protection so other programs don't have too. Hence if the protection is already removed why should MakeMKV care?
Also why should MakeMKV even care if AnyDVD is running, AnyDVD's sole purpose is to remove the protection so other programs don't have too. Hence if the protection is already removed why should MakeMKV care?
- Posts: 2136
- Joined: Wed Dec 09, 2009 1:31 pm
Re: ANYDVDHD Warning Message... Annoying & sort of wrong
1) Both MakeMKV and AnyDVD remove copy protection
2) There have been reports, at several forums, of interference/conflict by having AnyDVD running while using MakeMKV
3) This is the MakeMKV forum - dedicated to discussing the proper and beneficial use of MakeMKV and not other programs that happen to perform any functions similar to MakeMKV, especially if they may interfere with the performance of MakeMKV...
Did you carefully read the other posts in this thread?Also why should MakeMKV even care if AnyDVD is running, AnyDVD's sole purpose is to remove the protection so other programs don't have too. Hence if the protection is already removed why should MakeMKV care?
1) Both MakeMKV and AnyDVD remove copy protection
2) There have been reports, at several forums, of interference/conflict by having AnyDVD running while using MakeMKV
3) This is the MakeMKV forum - dedicated to discussing the proper and beneficial use of MakeMKV and not other programs that happen to perform any functions similar to MakeMKV, especially if they may interfere with the performance of MakeMKV...
Re: ANYDVDHD Warning Message... Annoying & sort of wrong
Hi folks,
As the OP on this thread I want to thank all of you for your input.
So far I have a perfect record with MakeMKV without using the SVQ file while AnyDVDHD is running. So on my HTPC (where my BD drive is) I'm going to leave it as-is. No signs of any interference.
Tomorrow I should be receiving a BD drive for my desktop PC, and there I'll set it up without AnyDVDHD but using MakeMKV with the SVQ file set up.
I'll rip half my incoming discs up there, and the other half on the HTPC, and after a while will post results. Any discs that give problem with one way I'll try with the other.
Again my appreciation goes out to the authors of this program. I hope that my input is useful and constructive.
As the OP on this thread I want to thank all of you for your input.
So far I have a perfect record with MakeMKV without using the SVQ file while AnyDVDHD is running. So on my HTPC (where my BD drive is) I'm going to leave it as-is. No signs of any interference.
Tomorrow I should be receiving a BD drive for my desktop PC, and there I'll set it up without AnyDVDHD but using MakeMKV with the SVQ file set up.
I'll rip half my incoming discs up there, and the other half on the HTPC, and after a while will post results. Any discs that give problem with one way I'll try with the other.
Again my appreciation goes out to the authors of this program. I hope that my input is useful and constructive.
Re: ANYDVDHD Warning Message... Annoying & sort of wrong
Hey, Yes I am aware that MakeMKV is capable of removing protection. However personally I feel that MakeMKV should probably have some sort of detection to realize that if AnyDVD is running to not even try to remove the protection. Wouldn't this aleve any "conflict" between the two programs?setarip_old wrote: @xpendable
Hi!Did you carefully read the other posts in this thread?Also why should MakeMKV even care if AnyDVD is running, AnyDVD's sole purpose is to remove the protection so other programs don't have too. Hence if the protection is already removed why should MakeMKV care?
1) Both MakeMKV and AnyDVD remove copy protection
2) There have been reports, at several forums, of interference/conflict by having AnyDVD running while using MakeMKV
3) This is the MakeMKV forum - dedicated to discussing the proper and beneficial use of MakeMKV and not other programs that happen to perform any functions similar to MakeMKV, especially if they may interfere with the performance of MakeMKV...
I haven't had an issue with having AnyDVD running, I'm just trying to be constructive and give suggestions that could make the program better.
- Posts: 2136
- Joined: Wed Dec 09, 2009 1:31 pm
Re: ANYDVDHD Warning Message... Annoying & sort of wrong
[Quote]Wouldn't this aleve any "conflict" between the two programs?[/Quoted]No, not necessarily - and how do you think the folks at Slysoft (or any other publisher) would react, if you suggested that their program check to see if MakeMKV is running and,if so, turn off their program in deference to MakeMKV?
I'm glad to hear that, thusfar, you haven't perceived any conflicts...
I'm glad to hear that, thusfar, you haven't perceived any conflicts...
Re: ANYDVDHD Warning Message... Annoying & sort of wrong
So, following instructions here, I decided to turn off AnyDVDHD and use just MakeMKV to try ripping a BD.
The BD was an .iso made with AnyDVDHD (bit perfect mode, keeping protection etc.).
I opened the .iso directly in MakeMKV (not mounting in VCD or anything). After a while I got this error message:
Using direct disc access mode
The volume key is unknown for this disc - video can't be decrypted
FAILURE: Code 0 at u=hU4hJQ*e{M_P%h,]":121263015
FAILURE: Code 0 at u=hU4hJQ*e{M_P%h,]":213132652
Failed to open disc
Here is the log contents:
Debug log started at Sat Jan 16 03:18:50 2010 , written by MakeMKV v1.4.9 beta win(x64-release)
001014:000000:0000 MakeMKV v1.4.9 beta win(x64-release) started
001013:000000:0000 Debug logging enabled, log will be saved as C:\Users\XXXX/MakeMKV_log.txt
003010:000000:0000 Using direct disc access mode
003302:000000:0000 The volume key is unknown for this disc - video can't be decrypted
001012:000000:0020 FAILURE: Code 0 at u=hU4hJQ*e{M_P%h,]":121263015
001012:000000:0020 FAILURE: Code 0 at u=hU4hJQ*e{M_P%h,]":213132652
005010:000000:0000 Failed to open disc
I have the latest Allcombo.svq file downloaded and the directory it is in is set up in the MakeMKV preferences (same directory is set for AACS and BD+ pages).
The same iso rips fine if I mount it in Virtual Clone Drive with AnyDVDHD running and point MakeMKV to the virtual drive.
IT's The Bourne Identity, from some years back. Certainly not a new title.
Question: am I doing anything wrong that would cause this? I stand by my earlier notes that using AnyDVDHD seems to be the better / more reliable way of decrypting, but possibly I'm doing something that is user error.
PS: I know I'm two versions of MakeMKV back on this system. Will update this weekend.
The BD was an .iso made with AnyDVDHD (bit perfect mode, keeping protection etc.).
I opened the .iso directly in MakeMKV (not mounting in VCD or anything). After a while I got this error message:
Using direct disc access mode
The volume key is unknown for this disc - video can't be decrypted
FAILURE: Code 0 at u=hU4hJQ*e{M_P%h,]":121263015
FAILURE: Code 0 at u=hU4hJQ*e{M_P%h,]":213132652
Failed to open disc
Here is the log contents:
Debug log started at Sat Jan 16 03:18:50 2010 , written by MakeMKV v1.4.9 beta win(x64-release)
001014:000000:0000 MakeMKV v1.4.9 beta win(x64-release) started
001013:000000:0000 Debug logging enabled, log will be saved as C:\Users\XXXX/MakeMKV_log.txt
003010:000000:0000 Using direct disc access mode
003302:000000:0000 The volume key is unknown for this disc - video can't be decrypted
001012:000000:0020 FAILURE: Code 0 at u=hU4hJQ*e{M_P%h,]":121263015
001012:000000:0020 FAILURE: Code 0 at u=hU4hJQ*e{M_P%h,]":213132652
005010:000000:0000 Failed to open disc
I have the latest Allcombo.svq file downloaded and the directory it is in is set up in the MakeMKV preferences (same directory is set for AACS and BD+ pages).
The same iso rips fine if I mount it in Virtual Clone Drive with AnyDVDHD running and point MakeMKV to the virtual drive.
IT's The Bourne Identity, from some years back. Certainly not a new title.
Question: am I doing anything wrong that would cause this? I stand by my earlier notes that using AnyDVDHD seems to be the better / more reliable way of decrypting, but possibly I'm doing something that is user error.
PS: I know I'm two versions of MakeMKV back on this system. Will update this weekend.
- Posts: 2136
- Joined: Wed Dec 09, 2009 1:31 pm
Re: ANYDVDHD Warning Message... Annoying & sort of wrong
The BD was an .iso made with AnyDVDHD
Take a more scientific approach and use MakeMKV with your original BluRay disc...
Re: ANYDVDHD Warning Message... Annoying & sort of wrong
Tried it... same result.
But note that I usually grab an image and only later rip out the content.
Will update MakeMKV in a while and try again...
But note that I usually grab an image and only later rip out the content.
Will update MakeMKV in a while and try again...