Default selection rule help: subtitles and foreign audio?

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Default selection rule help: subtitles and foreign audio?

Post by altano »

Hey All,

My current "default selection rule" is:

Code: Select all

I'm satisfied with this rule which only adds forced, English subtitles. BUT, I'd like one tweak: when the first audio track is NOT English, I would like to select ALL English subtitles (forced or not).

For example, for a movie like Avatar, I would want ONLY forced, English subtitles selected. But for the French movie Amelie I want all English subtitles selected.

I wouldn't mind selecting ALL favlang subtitles all the time if VLC or XBMC would respect the "Default" flag on non-forced subtitles, but since they don't, I'd like to avoid having the non-forced English subtitles in the mkv. That way, the files will play correctly, BY DEFAULT, on the widest range of players.

My apologies in advance since this seems like a simple question, but I've combed the forums and all the help I could find and can't figure out how to accomplish this.

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Re: Default selection rule help: subtitles and foreign audio

Post by Chetwood »

altano wrote:I wouldn't mind selecting ALL favlang subtitles all the time if VLC or XBMC would respect the "Default" flag on non-forced subtitles
Contrary to XBMC, VLC does. When the forced flag is not set and the default flag is set to no, VLC will not display the subtitle. Unfortunately XBMC (Win) appears to ignore the flags completely and abide by its default subtitle setting. I can't speak for Mike of course and I don't know how complex it would be to implement the logic your asking for but I would suggest you ask on the XBMC forums to handle subtitle defaults properly.
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Re: Default selection rule help: subtitles and foreign audio

Post by altano »

Sorry, you're right, I just re-ran my test and VLC did the right thing and selected the forced track, not the first track. I'd still like to avoid adding the English subtitles for movies with English audio, if possible, so that I don't have to deal with non-conforming players like XBMC.

I'm manually tweaking my rips so it's not a big deal, but if I could get the Default Selection Rule to do the right thing I would be a happy duck.

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