Shrek screwed up my drives?

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Shrek screwed up my drives?

Post by Jkeffer82 »

Hello all,

I have a very bizarre situation going on. I've been ripping my entire DVD collection for use on my media server. I haven't had any issues except for a few disc's that just wouldn't rip. Today I attempted to rip Shrek. The backup failed. I attempted again, and this time it popped up with "Region setting of drive does not match the region of currently inserted disc." And the backup failed. I tried a different disc that I had previously ripped successfully. It popped up with the same message, and failed. thought maybe something had happened to the drive, so I swapped it out with a known good drive. I attempted Shrek again. It did the exact same thing with this drive as well, and shows the same message with all disc's now. I've restarted the computer, with the same results. Both drives are HP drives with different model numbers.

How is this possible? Has anyone else run into this issue?
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Re: Shrek screwed up my drives?

Post by dcoke22 »

Are the drives external or internal? If they're external, power them off, wait a few moments, and power them back on. If they're internal, power off your computer and perhaps even unplug it, then power things back up.

Sometimes the tiny computer inside the optical drive gets confused and the only way to reset it is to power it off and power it on again.
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Re: Shrek screwed up my drives?

Post by BrettTheRipper »

What specific drive model is it what firmware did you flash it with? Did you rip some disks from a different region from your usual one and maybe trigger the DRM region lockout?
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Re: Shrek screwed up my drives?

Post by Hellmark »

Yeah, I remember that some drives have an internal fuse that prevents region switching. Like one of my old drives had a limit of 3 region changes before it would permanently lock in at that region.
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