The Freebie Key Expires Every Two Months...

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The Freebie Key Expires Every Two Months...

Post by Woodstock »

People search for a new key for MakeMKV, because the beta key expires. They do it even if there is no change to the program, because they only seem to notice there is a problem when they can't make it work. If the current version is more than two months old, we get complaints that it hasn't been updated, and that it contains an expired key.

As always, MakeMKV is free while in beta is where the key is kept each time it's updated, but that message seems to be hard to find and hard for people to understand.

In the future, I would like to have a message that tells people:
(a) why their key expired [The beta only last for two months]
(b) how to wait for the author to post a new key [How their computer date is only tested at program start-up]
(c) why they need a new key [The author isn't just putting this out for free]
(d) why their "I didn't look!" message was deleted [It doesn't do any good to complain about something that has happened every two months for over a dozen years].

I want to include as many phrases in these messages as these people search for, so the excuse that, "I couldn't find it" isn't valid.

Note that words shorter than 4 characters can't be searched for, so what ones can you think of?

So far, I have:

"MakeMKV does not work anymore"
"beta key expired"
"MakeMKV says key expired"
"Asks for registration"
"new license key"
"Keeps saying outdated"
"install the new version"
"MakeMKV (version) expired"
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Joined: Wed Jul 22, 2020 11:25 pm

Re: The Freebie Key Expires Every Two Months...

Post by dcoke22 »

'trial code' seems like a distinctive phrase.

September trial code
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