Using BD3D2MK3D dramatically lowers image quality, how to improve?

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Using BD3D2MK3D dramatically lowers image quality, how to improve?

Post by tiberio »

Hi! I'm ripping some 3D Blu-rays and im also converting them to SBS 3D so I can use it on Plex and on my VR. It's the first time im doing this and I saw people here recommending BD3D2MK3D, the software worked fine, and I understand that a SBS 3D video will have it's image quality way worse then then MVC, but since I can't playback MVC 3D from Plex or on a Quest 2 I need to convert. So I tried converting my Titanic 3D Blu-ray, the Disc 1 is 42Gb and when I convert with BD3D2MK3D to SBS the file goes to 7Gb, isn't unwatchable, but given how small the file is I think It could be better, is there any setting I missed to adjust the final image quality, BD3D2MK3D works great but is full of little settings and dials that I don't know exactly how to use :? , so I guess I must have missed something, is there any settings I can tweak from it's default to increase the quality of the MKV file to the maximum a SBS can allow?
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