Download blacklisted at Trend Micro

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Download blacklisted at Trend Micro

Post by holgaard »

When attempting to update to 1.10.3, my access to:


was blocked by my anti-virus provider Trend Micro as a "known fraudulent site or threat source".
It would seem that this is due to their Web Reputation Services:

I was able to get hold of the new version from a mirror site but would obviously prefer
to get it directly from the source, so you might want to look into this issue.
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Re: Download blacklisted at Trend Micro

Post by Woodstock »

From what I can read of the Trend Micro link (it blocks viewing most of the page because I won't allow it to geo-locate me), the block is based upon the reputation of the IP range hosting the site, and not necessarily for any other reason. uses Cloud Flare's service, and that IP range may be shared by any number of clients, world-wide.

Normally, you can submit the download link to the antivirus vendor for them to validate it, but the arbitrary nature of this block may mean that Trend Micro doesn't care if the download is safe.
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