Hell on Wheels

Please post here for issues related to Blu-ray discs
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Hell on Wheels

Post by Batiatus »

Discovered after watching 6 episodes of season 1 that the order on the discs is all over the place. Has anyone ripped this series (Seasons 1-3) and know the correct order the episodes are in? Even better if you can give a brief description of the cold open to the show as I've not watched it before and can find no way other than guessing to get things in the correct order.

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Re: Hell on Wheels

Post by Woodstock »

Were the episodes in single files on the disk?

One of the anime distributors has a habit of putting episodes in files named in alphanumeric order, but the directory does not have them that way. MakeMKV presents the title list in the order the files were found in the directory - it does not sort them.

The end result is that the titles will display in an order like 6, 5, 4, 9, 8, 2, 1, 7. The only way to put them in the correct order is to look at the names of the M2TS files, and use the lowest-numbered one of the files that ARE episodes (not extras) as "1", next lowest as "2", etc.
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Re: Hell on Wheels

Post by Batiatus »

Yes, all the episodes are separate files. But they aren't in proper order, as found in the file list like most TV shows do.

The Big Bang Theory is the same, but I was able to sort them all out as I'd seen every episode before I bought the Blu-rays and used show titles/descriptions to sort out the order. I have not seen Hell on Wheels until I went to watch the Blu-ray rips and found things all out of whack for season 1. I think I've figured out Season 2 by downloading some torrents to see the opening shot. Haven't moved on to season 3 yet. And I no longer have the discs to be able to compare the episodes on disc to the rips.
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Re: Hell on Wheels

Post by jhenry6 »

I just ran into this problem I had ripped all of the seasons and discovered it during season 2. I hooked up a spare blu-ray player to my computer monitor, and switched back and for the figure it out.

I went through and discovered that in season 1-4, the episodes were ordered 3-2-1-4 on disk 1
7-6-5-8 on disk 2
10-9 on disk 3
Luckily, that just meant renaming a few files.

Season 5 which comes as two packages are in the correct order.

Hope this help someone.
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