Feature suggestions for multiple disk conversions

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Feature suggestions for multiple disk conversions

Post by jlc61 »

I find myself converting TV series that are on multiple disks. Some things that would help the process:

1) Having a way to save conversion selections for each title and reapplying them to future disks. For example, I only want to convert 1 audio stream and no subtitle. No, I have to go into each title and select what I want. It would be nice to be able to apply a set of elections across all titles and then reuse them when I scan a new disk as a default set of settings.

2. Ability to bulk rename output files and add a sequence number to the end. Often, the default is title00.mkv across multiple disks. To avoid overwriting the earlier files I need to rename each title one at a time.

3. Ability to start filenames with the disk name. This would solve request 2 in most cases.
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Re: Feature suggestions for multiple disk conversions

Post by Woodstock »

Have you gone to the Tools->General section and enabled "Expert mode"?

If so, when you change the title of the disk, the files will generally be renamed, AND you can rename them before they're written. Experiment with that. You can also elect to use selection rules that affect what audio and subtitle tracks are selected by default.

Also, if you are post-processing the ripped files with tools like Handbrake or MKVToolnix, you can let MakeMKV rip everything, and set up batch files to process the parts you want after the fact.

Handbrake (visit handbrake.fr for more information) will reduce file sizes significantly, by applying better compression to the video, as well as letting you rearrange the audio and subtitle track orders.
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Re: Feature suggestions for multiple disk conversions

Post by jlc61 »


Renaming worked just fine.

Is there a help file that shows how to add toggles in the profile when in expert mode?

For example:

Only converting English audio, or only the first audio track?

Deselecting all subtitles, and / or only selecting forced English subtitles?

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Re: Feature suggestions for multiple disk conversions

Post by jlc61 »


Replacing the parameters in the Advanced tab with:

-sel:all,-sel:subtitle,+sel:(audio&(eng)),-sel:(havemulti|havecore),-sel:mvcvideo,=100:all,-10:favlang results in only English audio (although all tracks), only forced subtitles in English in the mkv file.

If I just do +sel:(forced&(eng)) it selects audio and english subtitles which results in all audio being subtitled in English.
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