- Rip title with the flac profile
- Extract the flac to the separate file makemkvflac.flac with mkvextract
- Rip title as is with default profile
- Use eac3to to extract and decode the dtshd track to dtshd.eac3to.flac
For further reference, I also tried to
- Rip title with default profile
- extract dtshd track to dtshd.dtshd with mkvextract
- convert the dtshd to wav with mmdtsdec
Code: Select all
$ mmdtsdec.exe -d 'C:\Program Files (x86)\eac3to\dtsdecoderdll.dll' dtshd.dtshd dtshd.mmdtsdec.wav
DEBUG: code=0001dd3c src=^1Qd^s!Q9l)/c7+Fhb:121261681
DEBUG: code=00000000 src=8]R6+RR hnJnFM7k:121263912
Error: Failed to decode
It therefore appears that the problem is specific to the way the makemkv creates the flac track on the fly.