Thank you

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Thank you

Post by baspd »

I just want to say thank you guys for this program to allow me to digitise my DVD/Blu Ray collection. Now need to go buy a bigger external HD :lol:. Its much appreciated and I can watch movies off my tablet now. So thanks once again.
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Re: Thank you

Post by Woodstock »

Not just bigger, MORE. Even with using Handbrake to shrink the size of the files, single drives just are not big enough.

You will learn! :)
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Re: Thank you

Post by Romansh »

Meh, I have my entire library on a single drive and it works fine for me. It just really depends on the size of your collection…
Posts: 10177
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Re: Thank you

Post by Woodstock »

What the family watches fits comfortably on 2TB. Of course, the drive in that server is only 1TB, so things have to be moved around occasionally.

What I watch over and above that went over the 3TB mark a month or two ago. Still working on resolving the issue that the server is limited to 2TB drives...
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Re: Thank you

Post by Smithcraft »

I thought I would just put the stuff I liked on a drive, and still use discs for the random stuff.

I found it much easier to just put everything on the drive, and archive the discs. I went from a 1TB drive to three 1TB drives and ran out of electrical outlets!

I have a FireWire JBoD now, but next I'm looking for a NAS and move almost all my external storage for the computers in the house to the NAS.

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