Command Line conversion from network share?

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Command Line conversion from network share?

Post by Ramias »

I did some searching but came up blank.

I am trying to get the syntax for makemkvcon64.exe to convert "all" from a network share (i.e. \\server\movies\dvds\StarWars\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.IFO) or z:\dvds\StarWars\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.IFO where "z:" is a mapped drive (net use * \\server\movies).

I have a bunch of DVDs ripped to a network share called \\server\movies\...

I want to convert all video (over 15 minutes) on the DVD and all subtitles and all sound tracks to a MKV file.

Here is what I get:

Code: Select all

C:\Program Files (x86)\MakeMKV>makemkvcon64.exe mkv file:"z:\dvds\StarWars\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.IFO" all e:\video\StarWars
MakeMKV v1.7.9 win(x64-release) started
Opening files on harddrive at z:\dvds\StarWars\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.IFO
Failed to open disc
Once I get the command line syntax down, I want to use Excel to queue up a whole bunch of rows of text to then convert several dvd's to MKV.

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Re: Command Line conversion from network share?

Post by lightsabersetc »

As a disclaimer, I have never used MakeMKV for this feature; but according to the makemkvcon documentation, you should use the folder name and not the individual files. If the operation of MakeMKV is anything like Handbrake for this, you should select the VIDEO_TS folder, but you may need the parent folder. Try this:

Code: Select all

makemkvcon64.exe mkv file:"z:\dvds\StarWars\VIDEO_TS" all e:\video\StarWars
And if that doesn't work, this:

Code: Select all

makemkvcon64.exe mkv file:"z:\dvds\StarWars\" all e:\video\StarWars
Relevant doc:
Source specification:
file:<FolderName> - open files in folder <FolderName>
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