Error while Ripping Spider-Verse: Across

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Error while Ripping Spider-Verse: Across

Post by Johnephen »

Good morning,
I started ripping Blu-Rays and wanted to rip the two Spider-Verse movies. I started with "Across (...)" and used an ASUS Blu-Ray Drive (Link: ... ct_details) and this case, because unfortunately I don't have a PC case with a suitable slot (Link: ... ct_details). I learned how to flash the drive's firmware thanks to a tutorial on YouTube and here on the forum. That apparently worked, MakeMKV also said. If I attach pictures, don't be surprised, unfortunately I have set them to my native language.
Now to the problem: When I tried to dump the entire film, it didn't work and I got this error message:
Das Programm liest die Daten schneller als es sie auf die Festplatte schreiben kann. Ziehen Sie in Betracht Ihre Festplatte aufzurüsten, wenn Sie diese Meldung öfters erhalten.
Fehler 'Betriebssystemfehler - Dieses Gerät ist nicht vorhanden' trat auf während des Auslesens von '/BDMV/STREAM/00001.m2ts' bei Offset '12106199040'
DEBUG: Code 0 at >S"|IvW~[ZAN1!&z:29398645
DEBUG: Code 1069 at V9dA7miv!`}CScyFek:213131341
Fehler 'Betriebssystemfehler - STATUS_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED' trat auf während des Auslesens von '/BDMV/STREAM/00001.m2ts' bei Offset '1192488960'
The drive is also "shut down" during the process where the message appeared and then started again. There was electricity the whole time. Short videos (bonus content) on the Blu-Ray worked, only when I need longer, around 40 minutes, for the reading process, it crashes. What can I do? is the Blu-Ray itself damaged? or Do I absolutely need another drive/enclosure
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Re: Error while Ripping Spider-Verse: Across

Post by dcoke22 »

The message about the program reading data faster than it can write to the hard drive is unusual if you're reading from an optical disc. Is your computer's storage really the slow?

In any case are you using the power adapter for the enclosure?
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Re: Error while Ripping Spider-Verse: Across

Post by Johnephen »

Thanks alot. By default I want to save it directly to my server as iscsi share, but of course this is not as fast as my internal storage. I have 3 SSDs (1 M.2 + 2 SATA) and here are the SATA and the M.2 for comparison. I have now dumped it on my C - Drive (M.2) and it worked perfectly. No error. Thank you again.
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Re: Error while Ripping Spider-Verse: Across

Post by dcoke22 »

I have some ssd 'scratch space' that I use for ripping things. That SSD takes quite a load as things get ripped to it and moved off to their permanent home on my network. But I find having dedicated, fast storage for messing with these big files to be useful.

My ripping process is as follows. First, I make a decrypted backup of a disc (stored on my scratch space). After the backup is done, I open it in MakeMKV and create the .mkv files I'm looking for. I like to get both the movie and any 'extras' on the disc. I try to get the audio tracks and subtitle tracks named correctly and sometimes this takes more than one attempt. Creating .mkv files from the backup happens as fast as my storage will allow. For me, reading and writing to the same SSD usually averages about 400MB/s throughput or about 100X speed in MakeMKV. This means creating .mkv files only take a few minutes. Once my .mkv files are as I want them, they move off to a NAS and the local scratch space is emptied.
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