I have a problem converting an mkv with dolby vision back to BluRay format.
The mkv contains a video layer with integrated RPU information (dvhe.08.06 BL+RPU).
Using tsMuxer for creating a bluRay folder structure, the end result is not playble.
I think BluRay needs to have two layers for DV. Otherwise it's not compatible (?)
I managed to remove the RPU information to get a clean BL hevc-file (dovi_tool).
With this cleaned video stream I can use tsMuxer to create a BluRay folder structure which is playble.
But this way I am losing the HDR information within the RPU.
Has anyone achieved to create a BluRay video including the RPU information?
Must the RPU be converted into a MEL format? If yes, how to achieve this?
Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance!