AV synchronization issues were found

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Joined: Sat Sep 29, 2012 5:57 pm

AV synchronization issues were found

Post by jayper »

Working my way through my UHD collection and I've noticed something new... every disc I have backed up today is throwing a new alert in the console which I have not seen before. Been using MakeMKV for at least 8 years at this point and this is a new one for me.
AV synchronization issues were found in file 'Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood_t00.mkv' (title #1)
AV synchronization issues were found in file 'Shaun of the Dead-FPL_MainFeature_t50.mkv' (title #51)
Both of the above UHDs produced the issue.

I've also tried a standard Blu-Ray and it also stated that AV synchronization issues were found. I tried several methods with the standard Blu-Ray:
- I did a full decrypted disc back up, then processed those files to create an MKV
- Created an MKV directly from the disc
- I also tried an entirely separate drive.

In all cases I got the alert. Any thoughts?
Posts: 321
Joined: Sat Sep 29, 2012 5:57 pm

Re: AV synchronization issues were found

Post by jayper »

This was also discussed in the Blu-Ray sub-forum and Mike chimed in. Please see this thread for more information: https://www.makemkv.com/forum/viewtopic ... 492#p82492
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