[Feature Request] Selection counting for filename template syntax

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[Feature Request] Selection counting for filename template syntax

Post by mgutt »

Variable N, M or T count independently of the selected titles. I like to have a counting starting at 0+X and considering the selected titles.

The reason is that tv shows with unwanted titles raise the title count so it results in this example s01e05 but should be s01e02:
2019-05-08 23_07_42.jpg
2019-05-08 23_07_42.jpg (63.73 KiB) Viewed 14002 times
In addition the starting number should be changable as with the second DVD it should start at 05 and end with 08 (next four episodes):
2019-05-08 23_35_42.jpg
2019-05-08 23_35_42.jpg (56.64 KiB) Viewed 13997 times
My proposal is the following syntax for the first DVD:

Code: Select all

and this for the second DVD:

Code: Select all

And "S" should only increment on selected titles.
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Re: [Feature Request] Selection counting for filename template syntax

Post by fenring76 »

FWIW, this is my current workaround:

In MakeMKV, I rename the entire disk "Series Title - s##d#" where ## and # are season and disk number. In the Advanced tab->Output file name template, I change "t_" to "r", so my files end up looking like "Series Title - s20d2r09.mkv"

Importantly, that is not an episode number, but a "rip" number. Although there are often gaps, generally episodes still seem to be in the proper order. I rip all the disks of a series this way, so I end up with:

"Series Title - s01d1r00.mkv"
"Series Title - s01d1r03.mkv"
"Series Title - s01d2r00.mkv"
"Series Title - s09d3r13.mkv"

Then, using a quick-and-dirty python script, I sort and rename the files based on their season, disk, and rip number. The rip number gets replaced with a number from an incremental counter which resets between seasons, but not between disks:

"Series Title - s01e01.mkv"
"Series Title - s01e02.mkv"
"Series Title - s01e03.mkv"
"Series Title - s09e10.mkv"

The script then moves all the files to the property directory for Plex to pick up.
Posts: 141
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Re: [Feature Request] Selection counting for filename template syntax

Post by mgutt »

An additional idea to my feature request:

Most media players require that episode filenames contain the string "SxxExx". Now the idea based on this:
- I select 8 of 10 titles
- Then I add the name for the first title "S01E17 Lorem Ipsum"
- now MakeMKV automatically names all the following titles with "S01E18.mkv", "S01E19.mkv", etc.
- I only need to add the episode title (an optional step as most media player use external sources to name the episodes)

This means I only need to select the relevant titles and set the name of the first file. Everything else is done automatically. I hope you like the idea.
Posts: 141
Joined: Sun May 05, 2019 6:38 pm

Re: [Feature Request] Selection counting for filename template syntax

Post by mgutt »

This is how I solved this issue:

I use this naming scheme in MakeMKV:

Code: Select all

I change the name of the disc to "disc1" or "dvd1" etc. This will produce files as follows:

Code: Select all

/Showname (2019)/disc1_t01.mkv
/Showname (2019)/disc1_t02.mkv
/Showname (2019)/disc2_t01.mkv
/Showname (2019)/disc1_t03.mkv
By that I select only episodes and no bonus content. If I like to rip bonus content I name it directly inside of MakeMKV or start a second turn and use a subfolder as target.

After that I copy & paste all files into Filebot:
2019-12-27 12_11_27.png
2019-12-27 12_11_27.png (120.9 KiB) Viewed 13010 times

then I search through the Episodes-tab for the TV show and copy & paste the results to the Rename-tab. By that Filebot does not use any automatism to assign the files to the correct episode names. Instead its a "manual" assignment based on the alphabetical order of the filenames and the episode order returned by the database.

Further explanation:
https://www.filebot.net/forums/viewtopi ... 594#p47594

This works only if the episodes have the same order and amount as returned by the database. If the discs contain random episodes like the Disney Animated Short Movies then this won't work. For those TV shows you still need to manually name them before using Filebots classic automatism.

Of course Filebot costs money, but its a huge time saver.
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