PC doesn't see BluRay drive as viable

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PC doesn't see BluRay drive as viable

Post by dramboxf »

V 1.10.8. Installed on a newly-installed PC with an ASUS BC-12B1ST bluray drive and Win7Prox64. I know the drive works, because I installed Win7 from a Win7Pro Dell OEM DVD.

MakeMKV doesn't even SEE the drive, although Windows does.

Went to the ASUS website and there's no driver available for Windows 7...

Anyone have any ideas?

Edit: This is a Dell PowerEdge T110 Server that was recently decomissioned from my job that I'm repurposing for CD/DVD/Bluray ripping.

Edit #2: Found the post about running the program as an Administrator; problem is solved.
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Re: PC doesn't see BluRay drive as viable

Post by Woodstock »

MakeMKV asks Windows, "What optical devices are there?" Assuming your permissions are correct, Windows will tell MakeMKV what it can use.

Try RIGHT clicking on MakeMKV, and "run as administrator". Does that change the answer?
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