Girls Night Error

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Girls Night Error

Post by Atwillman »

This is not the first movie that I have experienced this with but the most recent. What happens is the ripping process appears to complete and the .MKV file is created but is unplayable in Windows (usually the .MKV file is playable after ripping). Then when I try to compress and convert to .MP4 with Handbrake I get an error message. I have used another Blu-Ray ripper to rip the file at 720p successfully in these situations but I am trying to solve the problem so I can maintain the 1080p resolution of the Blu-Rays.

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Re: Girls Night Error

Post by Woodstock »

"Something is broke. I don't know what, but please fix it."

Without knowing what errors you're getting, it's hard to guess at the problem.
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Re: Girls Night Error

Post by Atwillman »

That is the problem. I get no errors with MakeMKV. I get the error with handbrake when it tries to compress the file. So basically MakeMKV "seems" to work flawlessly, until i compress the file in which the problem arises.
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Re: Girls Night Error

Post by Woodstock »

Does the "raw" MKV file play properly? I'm not talking about Windows Media Player or whatever they're calling it now, but something with broader codec support, such as VLC? VLC will also tell you more about the file, such as what codecs are used for the video and audio. It can be found at

If the original file is bad, that's something to look at on the MakeMKV side. However, if it is OK, then handbrake would need to be looked at, and they'll want an encode log to help figure out what is going on... Assuming you're using a current version of Handbrake (1.0.7 right now) or a nightly build (more advanced than the release version, has a lot of bug fixes in it).

Some BDs have video codecs that are not understood by all versions of Windows. And older versions of handbrake are more limited in what they understand, too... You cannot compress a VC1 Interlaced video with handbrake 0.9.x, for example.
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