Long time user, first time poster.
I was having difficulty with a couple Blurays that utilise playlist obfuscation in an attempt to frustrate us MakeMKV users. Some cases it was simple to find the right playlist by searching the forums for the correct title found by others. However I encountered a Bluray that no one had posted the correct MPLS id for (at least the particular authoring of the Bluray I had). Now I know there are several manual approaches to figuring out the correct playlist but these either require:
- A Windows machine with a Bluray drive and propitiatory software
- Potentially spoiling the film by manually working out the correct M2TS order
I have never been one for words so will let the code do the talking. What you will need to run this (if you so wish to):
- Python (with modules: numpy, scipy and scikit)
- ffmpeg
- OpenCV3
- MakeMKVcon
- A Decrypted backup of a Bluray with obfuscated playlists
Code: Select all
sudo apt-get install libopencv-dev python-opencv
pip install scikit-image
- Captures the first and last frames of M2TS files from a given STREAM folder
- Uses makemkvcon to extract the segment lists for each title of a Bluray
- Loops over each playlist calculating the average difference between two frames either side of a segment transition. (It calculates both the mean squared error of pixel values and the structural similarity)
- Displays title info for the "best" playlist for each difference metric.
Save this to a python file (e.g. deobfuscate_playlists.py) and run like so:
Code: Select all
python deobfuscate_playlists.py <Path to where the decrypted Bluray folder is - i.e. where the BDMV folder is located (not the actual BDMV folder)>
- No guarantees what so ever this will work. I have only been able to test on the 2 obfuscated Blurays I own - which it did correctly identify the playlist in both cases. Would be interested in others testing it on Blurays that they know the correct playlist id.
- The process takes several minutes to run (3-4 mins for the BRs I tested) but does use some caching to avoid unnecessary re-calculations of the same segment transitions.
- The code is pretty shocking - I hacked it together in a couple hours - Please don't hate on it too much. ("Magic" 3 and 5 in the code if you have a keen eye)
- I have no experience with makemkvcon prior to this so the section "Get segment lists from MakeMKV" is likely to be fragile and a terrible way to achieve what it is trying to.
- The Structural Similarity method is the only one that has successfully identified the correct playlist for me. I left the other one in for testing with other BRs.
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import argparse
import cv2
import numpy as np
import os
from skimage.measure import compare_ssim
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Attempts to find the correct playlist for a Bluray")
parser.add_argument("folder", help="Path to where the BDMV folder is located (Exclude BDMV from path)")
parser.add_argument("-s", "--stream", help="Path to where the STREAM folder is located (Auto as {folder}/BDMV/STREAM)")
parser.add_argument("-m", "--makemkvpath", help="The path to makemkvcon (Default is /usr/bin/makemkvcon)")
parser.add_argument("--test", action="store_true", help="Shows captured frames to test that OpenCV / FFMEPG is working correctly")
ARGS = parser.parse_args()
STREAM_PATH = ARGS.stream if ARGS.stream else os.path.join(ARGS.folder, "BDMV", "STREAM")
MAKEMKVCON = ARGS.makemkvpath if ARGS.makemkvpath else "/usr/bin/makemkvcon"
except AttributeError:
# ================================================ #
# Grab first and last frames of all segments #
# ================================================ #
def preprocess_frame(frame):
return cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
print "Skipped - Probably title music"
return None
for file in os.listdir(STREAM_PATH):
if file.endswith(".m2ts"):
print "Found STREAM file: " + file
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(os.path.join(STREAM_PATH, file))
total_frames = cap.get(CV_FRAME_COUNT)
_, first_frame = cap.read()
cap.set(CV_PROP_POS_FRAMES, total_frames-5)
_, last_frame = cap.read()
segment_id = os.path.splitext(file.strip('0'))[0]
first_frame, last_frame = preprocess_frame(first_frame), preprocess_frame(last_frame)
if first_frame != None and last_frame != None:
FIRST_LAST_FRAMES[segment_id] = (first_frame, last_frame)
if ARGS.test:
first_and_last = np.concatenate((first_frame, last_frame), axis=1)
first_and_last = cv2.resize(first_and_last, None, fx=0.3, fy=0.3, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
cv2.imshow(file, first_and_last)
while True:
key = cv2.waitKey(1)
if key & 0xFF == ord('n'):
if key & 0xFF == ord('q'):
# ================================================ #
# Get segment lists from MakeMKV #
# ================================================ #
class TitleInfo(object):
def __init__(self, mkv_key, mpls_id, playlist):
self.mpls_id = mpls_id
self.playlist = playlist
self.mkv_key = mkv_key
self.differences = 99999999999
self.struct_similarity = 0
def create_titleinfo(block):
mkv_key = block[0].split(",")[0][6:]
mpls_file = block[5].split("\"")[1]
mpls_id = os.path.splitext(mpls_file.strip('0'))[0]
playlist = block[7].split("\"")[1]
if len(playlist.split(',')) < 3:
print "Invalid playlist (" + playlist + ") - possibly the wrong TINFO index?"
return None
title_info = TitleInfo(mkv_key, mpls_id, playlist)
return title_info
stdout, strerr = Popen([MAKEMKVCON, "-r", "info", "file:" + ARGS.folder], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate()
mkv_info = stdout.splitlines()
linenum = 0
while linenum < len(mkv_info):
line = mkv_info[linenum]
if line.startswith("TINFO"):
startnum = linenum
while line.startswith("TINFO") and linenum < len(mkv_info):
linenum += 1
line = mkv_info[linenum]
title_info = create_titleinfo(mkv_info[startnum:linenum])
if title_info != None:
linenum += 1
# ================================================ #
# Calculate differences #
# ================================================ #
def mean_squared_error(last_frame_of_previous, first_frame_of_next):
mse = np.sum((last_frame_of_previous.astype("float") - first_frame_of_next.astype("float")) ** 2)
mse /= float(last_frame_of_previous.shape[0] * first_frame_of_next.shape[1])
return mse
def calculate_differences(segment_a, segment_b):
diff = mean_squared_error(FIRST_LAST_FRAMES[segment_a][1], FIRST_LAST_FRAMES[segment_b][0])
struct = compare_ssim(FIRST_LAST_FRAMES[segment_a][1], FIRST_LAST_FRAMES[segment_b][0])
return diff, struct
for title in TITLE_INFO_STORE:
segments = title.playlist.split(",")
diff = 0
struct = 0
for ind in xrange(0, len(segments) - 1):
cache_key = segments[ind] + "_" + segments[ind + 1]
if cache_key in CACHED_DIFFERENCES:
diff += CACHED_DIFFERENCES[cache_key][0]
struct += CACHED_DIFFERENCES[cache_key][1]
frame_diff, frame_struct = calculate_differences(segments[ind], segments[ind + 1])
CACHED_DIFFERENCES[cache_key] = (frame_diff, frame_struct)
diff += frame_diff
struct += frame_struct
title.differences = diff / len(segments)
title.struct_similarity = struct / len(segments)
print ",".join([str(title.differences), str(title.struct_similarity), title.mkv_key, title.mpls_id, title.playlist])
# ================================================ #
# Find the "best" playlists #
# ================================================ #
best_mse = TITLE_INFO_STORE[0]
best_ssim = TITLE_INFO_STORE[0]
for title in TITLE_INFO_STORE:
if title.differences < best_mse.differences:
best_mse = title
if title.struct_similarity > best_ssim.struct_similarity:
best_ssim = title
print "==========================================="
print "Best title (Based on pixel differences)"
print "==========================================="
print "AvgDiff: " + str(best_mse.differences)
print "AvgStru: " + str(best_mse.struct_similarity)
print "MKV Key: " + best_mse.mkv_key
print "MPLS ID: " + best_mse.mpls_id
print "SegList: " + best_mse.playlist
print "==========================================="
print "Best title (Based on structural similarity)"
print "==========================================="
print "AvgDiff: " + str(best_ssim.differences)
print "AvgStru: " + str(best_ssim.struct_similarity)
print "MKV Key: " + best_ssim.mkv_key
print "MPLS ID: " + best_ssim.mpls_id
print "SegList: " + best_ssim.playlist