Scsi & OS errors, can't rip disk

Please post here for issues related to DVD discs
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Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Feb 07, 2016 6:49 pm

Scsi & OS errors, can't rip disk

Post by millstg »

I'm having trouble ripping certain DVDs, mostly recent releases, I.e. Mad Max, the Gift, Train Wreck.

Here is the log:

MakeMKV v1.9.9 win(x64-release) started
Using direct disc access mode
Title #3 has length of 26 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #4 has length of 14 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #6 was added (4 cell(s), 0:04:08)
Title #8 has length of 32 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #13 was added (21 cell(s), 1:47:57)
Title #14 was added (9 cell(s), 0:07:53)
Title #15 has length of 74 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #16 has length of 77 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #17 has length of 108 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #18 was added (2 cell(s), 0:02:29)
Title #22 was added (13 cell(s), 0:11:35)
Title #23 was added (2 cell(s), 0:02:55)
Title #24 was added (3 cell(s), 0:02:24)
Title #25 was added (3 cell(s), 0:03:48)
Title #26 was added (3 cell(s), 0:03:36)
Title #28 was added (2 cell(s), 0:04:39)
Title #29 was added (3 cell(s), 0:06:36)
Title #30 was added (1 cell(s), 0:02:32)
Title #31 has length of 87 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #32 has length of 114 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #33 has length of 66 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Operation successfully completed
Saving 1 titles into directory C:/Users/Ted/Desktop/MKV movies/THE_GIFT
Error 'Scsi error - MEDIUM ERROR:L-EC UNCORRECTABLE ERROR' occurred while reading '/VIDEO_TS/VTS_07_1.VOB' at offset '4428398592'
Error 'OS error - STATUS_DEVICE_DATA_ERROR' occurred while reading '\Device\CdRom0' at offset '4428398592'
Error 'OS error - STATUS_DEVICE_DATA_ERROR' occurred while reading '\Device\CdRom0' at offset '4428398592'
Error 'OS error - STATUS_DEVICE_DATA_ERROR' occurred while reading '\Device\CdRom0' at offset '4428398592'
Error 'OS error - STATUS_DEVICE_DATA_ERROR' occurred while reading '\Device\CdRom0' at offset '4428398592'
Error 'OS error - STATUS_DEVICE_DATA_ERROR' occurred while reading '\Device\CdRom0' at offset '4428398592'
Error 'Scsi error - MEDIUM ERROR:L-EC UNCORRECTABLE ERROR' occurred while reading '/VIDEO_TS/VTS_07_1.VOB' at offset '4428398592'
Error 'Scsi error - MEDIUM ERROR:L-EC UNCORRECTABLE ERROR' occurred while reading '/VIDEO_TS/VTS_07_1.VOB' at offset '4428398592'
Error 'Scsi error - MEDIUM ERROR:L-EC UNCORRECTABLE ERROR' occurred while reading '/VIDEO_TS/VTS_07_1.VOB' at offset '4428398592'
Error 'Internal error - Operation was cancelled (112)' occurred while reading '/VIDEO_TS/VTS_07_1.VOB' at offset '4429043712'
Failed to save title 1 to file C:/Users/Ted/Desktop/MKV movies/THE_GIFT/title01.mkv
0 titles saved, 1 failed
Posts: 10491
Joined: Sun Jul 24, 2011 11:21 pm

Re: Scsi & OS errors, can't rip disk

Post by Woodstock »

First thing to try is cleaning the disk, because the drive is saying parts of it are unreadable. Also inspect it for scratches.
Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Feb 07, 2016 6:49 pm

Re: Scsi & OS errors, can't rip disk

Post by millstg »

I cleaned the disk well and tried ripping it again, but still can't rip it. I included the log file here. I did see a scratch on the DVD but it plays on my bluray player.

I see there was on the FAQs a suggestion to use an archiver program, but don't know what that is? Is there an archiver program someone can suggest?

Thank you.

Debug log started at Sun Feb 07 20:01:14 2016 , written by

MakeMKV v1.9.9 win(x64-release)
Using 524544KB for read

001005:0000 MakeMKV v1.9.9 win(x64-release) started
001004:0000 Debug logging enabled, log will be saved as C:

003007:0000 Using direct disc

access mode
003025:0000 Title #3 has length of 26 seconds

which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and

was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #4 has length of 14

seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120

seconds and was therefore skipped
003028:0000 Title #6 was

added (4 cell(s), 0:04:08)
003025:0000 Title #8 has length of

32 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120

seconds and was therefore skipped
003028:0000 Title #13 was

added (21 cell(s), 1:47:57)
003028:0000 Title #14 was added (9

cell(s), 0:07:53)
003025:0000 Title #15 has length of 74

seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120

seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #16 has

length of 77 seconds which is less than minimum title length

of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #17

has length of 108 seconds which is less than minimum title

length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped

Title #18 was added (2 cell(s), 0:02:29)
003028:0000 Title #22

was added (13 cell(s), 0:11:35)
003028:0000 Title #23 was

added (2 cell(s), 0:02:55)
003028:0000 Title #24 was added (3

cell(s), 0:02:24)
003028:0000 Title #25 was added (3 cell(s),

003028:0000 Title #26 was added (3 cell(s), 0:03:36)
003028:0000 Title #28 was added (2 cell(s), 0:04:39)
003028:0000 Title #29 was added (3 cell(s), 0:06:36)
003028:0000 Title #30 was added (1 cell(s), 0:02:32)
003025:0000 Title #31 has length of 87 seconds which is less

than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore

003025:0000 Title #32 has length of 114 seconds which

is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was

therefore skipped
003025:0000 Title #33 has length of 66

seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120

seconds and was therefore skipped
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 233

at 9GvYWUpAma7gg4FJL2tkdL4r:0
005011:0000 Operation

successfully completed
005014:0000 Saving 1 titles into

directory C:/Users/Ted/Desktop/MKV movies/THE_GIFT

DEBUG: Code 3221225628 at ~a>#F;zC~?ZK*A

001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 3221225628 at ?

001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 100864261 at

001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 100864261

at #8ZaNU.{RP#\,ecY:121269731
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code

100864261 at #8ZaNU.{RP#\,ecY:121269731
001003:0020 DEBUG:

Code 100864261 at #8ZaNU.{RP#\,ecY:121269731

DEBUG: Code 100864261 at #8ZaNU.{RP#\,ecY:121269731
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 100864261 at #8ZaNU.{RP#

002003:0000 Error 'Scsi error - MEDIUM

ERROR:L-EC UNCORRECTABLE ERROR' occurred while reading

'/VIDEO_TS/VTS_07_1.VOB' at offset '4206231552'

DEBUG: Code 3221225628 at ~a>#F;zC~?ZK*A

001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 3221225628 at ?

002003:0000 Error 'OS error -

STATUS_DEVICE_DATA_ERROR' occurred while reading '\Device

\CdRom0' at offset '4206231552'
DEBUG: Code 3221225628 at m

001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 3221225628

at ~a>#F;zC~?ZK*A(;gy0$qXr5>:213131732
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code

3221225628 at ?w!|R]:)Y2.z$@Q+:29393953
002003:0000 Error 'OS

error - STATUS_DEVICE_DATA_ERROR' occurred while reading

'\Device\CdRom0' at offset '4206231552'
DEBUG: Code 3221225628

at m\<}c9ZOfCO[p%-X"m:213130904
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code

3221225628 at ~a>#F;zC~?ZK*A(;gy0$qXr5>:213131732

DEBUG: Code 3221225628 at ?w!|R]:)Y2.z$@Q+:29393953
002003:0000 Error 'OS error - STATUS_DEVICE_DATA_ERROR'

occurred while reading '\Device\CdRom0' at offset

DEBUG: Code 3221225628 at m\<}c9ZOfCO[p%-

001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 3221225628 at

001003:0020 DEBUG: Code

3221225628 at ?w!|R]:)Y2.z$@Q+:29393953
002003:0000 Error 'OS

error - STATUS_DEVICE_DATA_ERROR' occurred while reading

'\Device\CdRom0' at offset '4206231552'
DEBUG: Code 3221225628

at m\<}c9ZOfCO[p%-X"m:213130904
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code

3221225628 at ~a>#F;zC~?ZK*A(;gy0$qXr5>:213131732

DEBUG: Code 3221225628 at ?w!|R]:)Y2.z$@Q+:29393953
002003:0000 Error 'OS error - STATUS_DEVICE_DATA_ERROR'

occurred while reading '\Device\CdRom0' at offset

DEBUG: Code 3221225628 at m\<}c9ZOfCO[p%-

001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 3221225628 at m\<}

001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 100864261 at

002003:0000 Error 'Scsi error -


'/VIDEO_TS/VTS_07_1.VOB' at offset '4206231552'

100864261 at m\<}c9ZOfCO[p%-X"m:213130904
001003:0020 DEBUG:

Code 100864261 at #8ZaNU.{RP#\,ecY:121269731
002003:0000 Error


while reading '/VIDEO_TS/VTS_07_1.VOB' at offset

DEBUG: Code 100864261 at m\<}c9ZOfCO[p%-

001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 100864261 at #8ZaNU.

002003:0000 Error 'Scsi error - MEDIUM

ERROR:L-EC UNCORRECTABLE ERROR' occurred while reading

'/VIDEO_TS/VTS_07_1.VOB' at offset '4206231552'

100864261 at m\<}c9ZOfCO[p%-X"m:213130904
001003:0020 DEBUG:

Code 100864261 at #8ZaNU.{RP#\,ecY:121269731
002003:0000 Error


while reading '/VIDEO_TS/VTS_07_1.VOB' at offset

DEBUG: Code 100864261 at m\<}c9ZOfCO[p%-

001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 100864261 at #8ZaNU.

002003:0000 Error 'Scsi error - MEDIUM

ERROR:L-EC UNCORRECTABLE ERROR' occurred while reading

'/VIDEO_TS/VTS_07_1.VOB' at offset '4206231552'

100864261 at m\<}c9ZOfCO[p%-X"m:213130904
001003:0020 DEBUG:

Code 100864261 at m\<}c9ZOfCO[p%-X"m:121262969


occurred while reading '/VIDEO_TS/VTS_07_1.VOB' at offset

001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 0 at ^sn-7'9lk#*zI%}tr!

001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 0 at ^EJq*Sm!!u

001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 0 at ^sn-

001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 2053824 at

001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 0 at

001002:0020 LIBMKV_TRACE:

Exception: Error in p->FetchFrames(1,false)
005003:0000 Failed

to save title 1 to file C:/Users/Ted/Desktop/MKV

005004:0080 0 titles saved, 1

005037:0204 Copy complete. 0 titles saved, 1 failed.
Application exited at Sun Feb 07 22:41:13 2016
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