Evaluation period has expired, why? - latest version 1.9.8

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Evaluation period has expired, why? - latest version 1.9.8

Post by javidial »

Hi, since a few weeks ago I've been having a notification saying that the "evaluation period has expired". Yesterday I downloaded the latest version 1.9.8, and even though the software says that the version expires on Mar 17 2016, having 79 days left, the evaluation tab says 'ended', so the program keep saying evaluation expired, not allowing me to do anything with it.

Do anybody have any idea what's happening to me? I've tried to remove and re-install the app, and nothing, still expired.
I have uploaded a couple of screenshots with the issue.

Edit: I've tried to update the registration code using the beta key I found in this forum, and now it works, but only until Jan 30th '33days left' instead of the 79 days I should have. At least is a temporary solution.
Screen Shot 2015-12-28 at 09.40.54.png
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Re: Evaluation period has expired, why? - latest version 1.9

Post by Woodstock »

The trial period is for the Bluray features. The way to reset the clock on that is to uninstall MakeMKV, THEN install. The BD feature counter is not being reset when doing an upgrade (I thought Mike had fixed that).
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